2025.03.25 (화)

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기상청 제공


“Pepero launched simultaneously in 9 countries for the first time in history”… Lotte Welfood launches K-dessert ‘Injeolmi Patbingsu Flavored Pepero’


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Lotte Welfood announced on the 13th that it will be simultaneously launching a new flavor domestically and internationally for the first time since the launch of the Pepero brand in 1983.


The new product 'Injeolmi Patbingsu Flavored Pepero' being released this time is a limited edition that will be sold in limited quantities in 9 countries including Korea, the US, Brazil, China, and Singapore. With global consumers' interest in Korean food higher than ever, the strategy is to take the lead in globalization by incorporating the taste of 'K-dessert' into Pepero.


Injeolmi Patbingsu Flavored Pepero is a unique product that reinterprets the taste of representative K-desserts, patbingsu and injeolmi, with chocolate and cookies. According to a consumer survey conducted targeting foreigners before the launch, many respondents thought of patbingsu and injeolmi as representative Korean desserts, and their preference was also high.


Lotte Welfood decided to launch Injeolmi Patbingsu-flavored Pepero that will satisfy the tastes of both domestic and international consumers, taking into account the fact that young Korean consumers are also interested in trends that reinterpret traditions, such as the so-called 'Grandma's Day' trend.


This new product is a stick-type snack coated with injeolmi-flavored chocolate and topped with red bean-flavored cookie powder. The original sweet taste of Pepero is combined with the rich flavor of chocolate and the crunchy texture of cookies, which is expected to provide a unique taste and eating pleasure to foreign consumers, and a familiar yet different experience to Koreans.


As it is a product exported globally, the packaging is also filled with Korean beauty. The design elements used are a checkered pattern of blue, red, and yellow reminiscent of the five cardinal colors, and a Taegeuk pattern, revealing the identity of a 'K-snack'. In addition, an image of injeolmi patbingsu in organic rice was inserted to express Korea's traditional food culture.


Lotte Welfood is carrying out various marketing promotions to commemorate the launch of the Injeolmi Patbingsu flavored Pepero. Currently, they are operating a domestic consumer experience group through the official Instagram (@pepero.official) and are planning to actively carry out SNS events targeting the global market in the future.


A Lotte Welfood official said, “As interest in Korean food and K-snacks grows, we decided to introduce the most Korean flavors in Pepero to domestic and international consumers,” adding, “We plan to continue making various attempts to introduce Korean flavors to the global snack market and strengthen our competitiveness.”



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