2025.03.12 (수)

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기상청 제공


Yuhan Kimberly Selected as 'Korea's Most Respected Company' for 22 Consecutive Years


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Yuhan-Kimberly (CEO, Lee Je-hoon), widely known for its 'Keep Our Mountains Green, Green' campaign, was selected as 6th place in the All-Star survey of 'The Most Admired Companies in Korea in 2025.'


Since the survey began in 2004, Yuhan-Kimberly has been ranked in the Top 6 for 22 consecutive years. The survey is hosted by the Korea Productivity Association Consulting, and more than 11,000 consumers and experts participated. Yuhan-Kimberly received high evaluations in all aspects of corporate value, including 1st place in social value, 2nd place in image value, and 4th place in customer, employee, and shareholder value, and was selected as 1st place in the household goods industry for 12 consecutive years in the industry evaluation.


Yuhan Kimberly was established in 1970 as a joint venture between Yuhan Corporation and Kimberly-Clark, and has established diapers, sanitary pads, and facial tissues as daily necessities, and has led the development of health and hygiene culture in our society. In addition, based on management innovation models such as ethical management, environmental management, social contribution, labor-management harmony, smart work, and ESG management, it has grown into a representative household goods company in Korea by maintaining the No. 1 market share in its major businesses.


Since 1984, long before ESG management became established as a trend, Yuhan-Kimberly has planted and nurtured over 57 million trees in national and public forests through the “Keep Our Mountains Green” campaign, and has been actively responding to the climate crisis through projects such as carbon-neutral forests, restoration of biodiversity forests to preserve endangered fir trees and bees, and restoration of areas damaged by forest fires.


In particular, the 'Mongolian Yuhan-Kimberly Forest', which was created in a vast area that is close to the size of Songpa-gu, Seoul (11 times the size of Yeouido), is receiving worldwide attention for transforming a region that was desertified due to large-scale forest fires into a healthy forest. Through continuous efforts, the 'Keep Our Mountains Green, Green' campaign has been established as a CSR model that leads the development of both companies and society, and is evaluated as a heritage of corporate social contribution in the Republic of Korea.


In addition, under the sustainable management goal of achieving more than 95% of sales from sustainable products by 2030, Yuhan-Kimberly is making efforts to reduce carbon emissions throughout the entire product manufacturing process, including reducing the use of plastic in products by 50% (compared to 2019), using pulp certified for sustainable forests, supplying large-capacity products with reduced packaging materials, using recycled plastics, and recycling hand towels. The company is also carrying out supply chain-level solidarity activities, such as the 'Green Action Alliance', to promote a circular economy.


Through this, we are continuously introducing innovative products such as ‘Huggies Naturemade Diapers’, ‘Good Feeling Organic 100% Cotton Cover Sanitary Napkins’, and ‘Kleenex Paper Wet Wipes’.


In addition, in order to contribute to resolving low birth rates, aging population, and polarization, we are also making efforts to practice social responsibility management to improve the quality of life of vulnerable groups, such as providing free Huggies micro diapers for premature babies, donating 1 million Good Feel sanitary pads, and donating Defend adult diapers. These efforts are leading to a virtuous cycle of consumer trust and a good brand image.


Yuhan-Kimberly is not a listed company required to undergo ESG evaluation. Nevertheless, it is strengthening its ESG management practices as a means to enhance its own competitiveness.


An official from the Sustainability Management Center at Yuhan-Kimberly said, “We are operating an ESG Committee directly under the CEO in order to be more faithful to the role of the company that various stakeholders expect,” and “Through this, we will put into practice the corporate vision of acting for life, health, and the global environment, and strive to increase the sustainability of the company, society, and the global environment.”



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