2025.03.12 (수)

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기상청 제공


“PCR Full Process Automation, Next-Generation Diagnostic Equipment Coming Out”… Seegene to Reveal Real Product in July after Acquisition of Dhandymecha


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Seegene, a global molecular diagnostics total solution company, is embarking on the development of next-generation PCR diagnostic equipment by acquiring a company specializing in the development of automated equipment.


Seegene announced on the 26th that it has signed a stock acquisition agreement with Dhandymecha, a custom automation equipment company. Dhandymecha, founded in 2010, possesses robotics automation solution technology and has secured famous domestic companies as its main customers.


Seegene has successfully launched the automated molecular diagnostic testing system, 'Seegene STARlet-AIOS™ (AIOS),' in the global market, and through this acquisition, it plans to accelerate the development of next-generation diagnostic equipment differentiated from existing equipment such as AIOS.


Seegene aims to build a fully automated system for the entire PCR process and provide it to testing labs around the world in a customized manner. There is no equipment on the market that fully automates the entire PCR testing process yet.


Seegene plans to unveil the actual product at the 'Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM 2025)' to be held in Chicago, USA from July 29 to 31 (local time).


Noh Si-won, head of business development at Seegene, said, “Following the diagnostic reagent market, we plan to continuously acquire companies necessary for the development of next-generation equipment in order to secure global competitiveness in the diagnostic equipment market.”


In the global molecular diagnostics industry, automation of diagnostic equipment is actively underway. In the case of large-scale laboratories, not only is mass testing possible and processing speed fast, but demand for easy and convenient customer customization is also increasing.



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