2024.12.27 (금)

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  • 맑음울산 0.5℃
  • 흐림광주 2.2℃
  • 맑음부산 2.6℃
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  • 흐림보은 -1.6℃
  • 흐림금산 -1.4℃
  • 구름많음강진군 3.8℃
  • 맑음경주시 0.0℃
  • 맑음거제 1.0℃
기상청 제공


[Space File] Hermes of the bed world 'Byspring', operating profit of 11.7 billion 'swoosh' for 4 years, dividend of 7.5 billion 'swoosh'


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] The corporation that imports and sells Vicespring beds is Infernis (CEO Seong-moon Kwak). Its headquarters is located at Infini Cheongdam Building, 6-15 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (777 Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul). 


The share structure is 100% owned by CEO Kwak Seong-moon and special affiliates. It is effectively a family business. The inside directors and auditors are also family. In 2022, 2.5 billion won was paid out as dividends, and 2.2 billion won last year. All dividends went to CEO Kwak Seong-moon and special affiliates.

Last year, sales increased by 22% to KRW 14.9 billion compared to the previous year (KRW 12.2 billion). Last year, operating profit also increased by 64% to KRW 3.3 billion compared to KRW 2 billion the previous year. This is a whopping 443% increase compared to the industry average.


Net profit for 2023 was also estimated at KRW 4.9 billion, up 303% from the previous year and 987% higher than the industry average.


Looking at the sales trend by year, it has been steadily increasing every year: 11.5 billion won in 2019, 9.4 billion won in 2020, 13.6 billion won in 2021, 12.2 billion won in 2022, and 14.9 billion won in 2023.


In terms of operating profit, 2021 recorded 4.5 billion won, the highest in the past five years. It was estimated to be 2.7 billion won in 2019, 1.9 billion won in 2020, 2 billion won in 2022, and 3.3 billion won in 2023.


Sales and administrative expenses were found to have increased from 4.9 billion won the previous year to 6.1 billion won, salaries were 2 billion won, and advertising and promotional expenses were 600 million won. 


Donations increased slightly from 700,000 won the previous year to 2.6 million won.


At the time of filing the audit report, there were short-term borrowings of 2.2 billion won, and total debt amounted to 5.5 billion won. 


Considering the assessed value of the land owned at 987.52 million won and the assessed value realization rate of 65-70%, the actual market price based on the actual transaction price is in the range of 1.4-1.5 billion won. In addition, the balance of tangible assets was 1.386 billion won for land, 1.381 billion won for buildings, and 3.136 billion won for vehicles, tools, and equipment. 


The headquarters building, Infini Cheongdam, has an area of ​​669.2㎡ (203 pyeong), and considering that it is located on the main street of Cheongdam-dong, it is worth over 100 billion won if calculated at 500 million won per pyeong.


In particular, the amount of investment in short-term trading securities stands out. In addition to LX Hausys, he owns Posco Holdings (2,850 shares), EcoPro (1,296 shares), and EcoPro BM (1,100 shares), and last year, the disposal profit amounted to 1.54 billion won. The total book value of the stocks currently held is 2.578 billion won.


An Inferness official said, "We are aware that the donation amount is small," and added, "We are considering various aspects of ESG activities, such as social donations in terms of sustainability and holding competitions to foster future generations."
