2025.03.25 (화)

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기상청 제공


"Serious about AI" SK Networks' Choi Seong-hwan joins hands with Qualcomm... Seeking to create synergy through AI-linked business model


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] SK Networks, a holding company focused on artificial intelligence (AI), is leading innovation in its parent and subsidiary companies and increasing future business value, and is joining hands with Qualcomm Technologies Inc. to strengthen its AI business.


SK Networks (CEO Ho-jung Lee) announced on the 11th that it has decided to collaborate with Qualcomm to integrate Qualcomm IoT solutions into its headquarters and subsidiary businesses and expand its AI-based business portfolio. Accordingly, a new business model centered on on-device AI is expected to be established in various fields.


Qualcomm plans to provide SK Networks with IoT solutions such as the 'Qualcomm Dragonwing™ QCS6490' that supports On-device LLM. The Qualcomm Dragonwing QCS6490 is a high-performance SOC solution for industrial and commercial IoT, and is optimized for various IoT applications such as robots, drones, gateways, tablets, and kiosks. Through this, it is expected that synergy will be created in line with the characteristics of SK Networks, which is developing businesses in various fields and grafting AI-linked business models.


SK Networks is reviewing the possibility of utilizing Qualcomm technology for its headquarters and subsidiaries and is planning to secure world-class AI performance and security by utilizing excellent IoT solutions. In addition, it plans to pursue continuous evolution based on the capabilities secured through Hicosystem, a global network of technology and investment industry experts.


Choi Sung-hwan, President and CEO of SK Networks, said, “Partnering with Qualcomm, which has global technology expertise, will allow us to add depth and speed to our evolution as an AI company. We will strive to provide new experiences to customers and enrich the future of humanity by integrating AI into SK Networks’ products and services.”


“Qualcomm continues to expand its portfolio of industrial and commercial IoT products and solutions and is receiving positive responses from various industries including robotics, manufacturing, logistics, and retail,” said Ohhyung Kwon, senior vice president and general manager of Qualcomm Asia Pacific. “Starting with our collaboration with SK Networks, we will further expand our business portfolio that supports the benefits of on-device AI.”


Meanwhile, SK Networks, which declared its vision of ‘human civilization through AI democratization’ early last year, is actively building business models that link AI to each of its businesses. SK Speedmate plans to apply services such as the AI ​​automatic quotation system in cooperation with Germany’s DAT.


In the case of Encoa, following the announcement of the 'Data Orchestration Strategy for AI', an asset management strategy in an environment where generative AI is emerging, in October of last year, the company is preparing to launch a new solution package this year, and Mint is utilizing AI technology to test mobile phone performance and determine grades.


In addition, Silicon Valley startup Phoenix Lab launched Korea’s first Modular RAG-based pharmaceutical specialty solution late last year, which received a great response from industry insiders. We plan to continuously expand such AI application business model cases.



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