2025.03.12 (수)

  • 흐림동두천 4.1℃
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  • 구름많음부산 9.9℃
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  • 흐림보은 1.4℃
  • 구름많음금산 2.0℃
  • 구름많음강진군 2.5℃
  • 구름많음경주시 2.2℃
  • 구름많음거제 4.7℃
기상청 제공


Korea Ginseng Corporation, Newly Recognized as ‘Mold Toxin Ingredient’… “Industry’s First Independent Technology Receives Additional KOLAS Recognition”


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Korea Ginseng Corporation has become the first in the domestic food industry to be newly recognized as an internationally accredited testing agency by KOLAS (Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme) for the analysis of 'mold toxin components' using Korea Ginseng Corporation's own proprietary testing method.


Korea Ginseng Corporation was previously recognized as an internationally accredited testing agency for crop protection agents, heavy metals, inorganic substances, microorganisms, nutrients, and ginsenosides, and in February of this year, it became the first in the domestic food industry to establish its own testing method (In-house Method) and was recognized as an internationally accredited testing agency for the analysis of 'mycotoxin components.'


This additional recognition of the 'Foodborne Mycotoxin' test standard demonstrates that Korea Ginseng Corporation continues to lead domestic and international standards in food-related analysis research.


With this, Korea Ginseng Corporation has once again proven itself as a world-class internationally accredited testing agency in the ginseng and red ginseng fields in terms of both safety and efficacy.


Meanwhile, Korea Ginseng Corporation began by being recognized as an internationally accredited testing agency for the safety and efficacy of ginseng and red ginseng by KOLAS in 2010, and in 2016, it became the first in the world to be recognized for the analysis of 'ginseng ginsenoside components'. In addition, in June 2020, it received new KOLAS recognition for the addition of ginseng ginsenoside and crop protection agent analysis standards and for the analysis of food inorganic components.


Accredited testing agencies must be recognized through two-year follow-up management and four-year reevaluations to maintain their certification qualifications. Korea Ginseng Corporation was first recognized in 2010 and received recognition for the fourth reevaluation in 2022.


Korea Ginseng Corporation received international accredited testing accreditation from KOLAS for a total of 403 items in 12 standards in 7 fields. As of 2023, KOLAS accredited test reports have the same effect as accredited test reports from other countries, with 55 accreditation organizations in 33 regions of APAC MRA, 109 accreditation organizations in 116 regions of ILAC MRA, and 83 accreditation organizations in 5 regional organizations (about 70 or more countries) participating in IAF MLA.


This is expected to significantly enhance export competitiveness by shortening the period required for overseas certification as it eliminates the need for separate testing or re-certification for items that have already been certified when exporting domestic red ginseng overseas.


An official from KGC Ginseng Corporation said, “With the first internationally accredited testing agency for mycotoxins in the food industry, Jeonggwanjang’s strict quality control has been recognized once again, not only domestically but also internationally,” adding, “Jeonggwanjang will continue to strengthen safety management and faithfully fulfill its role as a leader in the global red ginseng market.”



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