2025.03.12 (수)

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기상청 제공


Amorepacific Receives 'Highest Grade' in 2 Sectors in Carbon Project Evaluation… "Climate Change Response and Water Resources Management Grade A"


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Amorepacific received the highest grade of A in both the Climate Change and Water Security sectors in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) evaluation.


CDP is a global initiative led by financial investment institutions around the world to request companies to disclose environmental management information. Based on the information disclosed by companies every year, it has the world's largest environmental database, and supports financial institutions around the world to use it as meaningful information for decisions such as corporate investment and lending, thereby creating a foundation for a low-carbon society and sustainable society.


CDP evaluates companies based on their response to climate and water-related risks, challenging reduction targets, and leadership and management systems, and more than 23,200 companies around the world respond each year.


Amorepacific has been recognized for its leadership in the field of transparency on climate change by receiving an A in the climate change response sector for three consecutive years, including this evaluation. In the water resource management sector, which it received for the first time this year, it received the highest grade of A in recognition of its efforts in efficient use and management of water resources, circular use, and prevention of water pollution.


Amorepacific has set a goal of achieving net zero by reducing the total amount of direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) generated within its business sites and indirect emissions (Scope 2) generated from purchasing electricity, etc. by 90% by 2050 compared to 2020.


As part of the plan, Amorepacific is actively pursuing a company-wide transition to renewable energy, and as a result, by 2024, it achieved 100% renewable electricity at its Osan, Daejeon, Anseong, and Shanghai plants, where Amorepacific produces its main products including Sulwhasoo, Laneige, and Happy Bath, as well as its logistics plants. By 2025, Amorepacific is aiming to achieve RE100 across the company.


Amorepacific also has a system for regularly managing and monitoring water resource-related data, such as water sources and discharged water, centered around the boundaries of each business site organization. In order to minimize water pollution, we have established a biodegradability evaluation system for ingredients used in products, and we are working to minimize the impact on water quality after product use, and we are actively engaging in activities for the recycling of water resources.


Amorepacific’s person in charge of sustainable management said, “We are delighted that our efforts on climate change and water resource management have been recognized as a result of our sustainable management philosophy and practices,” and added, “We will continue to identify issues related to climate change and water resources through corporate leadership and to carry out sustainable activities through efficient cooperation with public institutions and local communities.”



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