2025.03.25 (화)

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기상청 제공


Hyundai Mobis Declares 'New Vision' with Will to Lead Mobility Paradigm


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Hyundai Mobis announced a new vision that contains its will to lead as a global top player in future mobility.


The new vision is 'Lead the Shift in Mobility, Move the World beyond Possibilities', which means 'leading a new paradigm in the future automobile industry and expanding the global market by overcoming limitations with innovative technologies and solutions'. It solidifies internal solidarity under the common sense of purpose of executives and employees and clarifies the company's direction to lead the paradigm of the rapidly changing mobility market.


Hyundai Mobis announced on the 13th that it held a 'Vision Declaration Ceremony' at the Yongin Technology Research Center in Gyeonggi Province with approximately 300 executives and employees, including President Lee Kyu-seok, in attendance. The event was also live-streamed online, so that executives and employees working at global business sites around the world watched in real time. At the event, President Lee Kyu-seok personally explained the background and core values ​​of the vision.


This vision declaration ceremony was a place to share specific directions for achieving the mid- to long-term growth plan that was revealed at the CEO Investor Day last November with executives and employees. It contained the will to lead the members to proactive change through a one-team strategy and establish itself as a global top player.


■ Listen to members’ opinions for one year and develop a vision that includes a proactive direction for change


Hyundai Mobis is known to have focused on establishing internal consensus by setting a vision in a bottom-up manner, where employees themselves set common goals, rather than a top-down approach. Through this, they announced a new vision by deriving three vision keywords: people, mobility, and global.


Hyundai Mobis, which announced its new vision through this process, also revealed three core values ​​that concretize the way its employees work: △Dynamic Synergy △Securing Leading Technology (First Mover) △Expanding Possibility Beyond Limits.


This vision was established based on the judgment that the rapidly changing mobility industry requires a leading change and a central focus among its members. It is known that the new vision was declared to internalize a common sense of purpose and direction based on Mobis’ DNA of challenge and growth.


Hyundai Mobis is an auto parts company with a 48-year tradition and a history of challenge and growth. Founded in 1977 as Hyundai Precision, which engaged in the container manufacturing business, it changed its name to Hyundai Mobis in 2000 and has continuously pursued business expansion and structural changes in line with the changes in the auto industry, such as auto modules, service parts, chassis safety, electrical equipment, and electrification. The current achievement of rising as a future mobility platform provider and ranking 6th in the global auto parts industry is due to the Mobis DNA, a challenging spirit that is not afraid of change.


President Lee Gyu-seok said, “Establishing a vision is the first step toward change that will determine the future of the company,” and urged, “Let’s not rely on the efforts of a single organization or department, but rather, let’s have all organizations work together in one direction and with one purpose at the company-wide level to proactively participate in change to achieve the vision.”


■ Promoting ‘No. 1 technology’ that leads innovation based on a new vision and expanding sales to global customers


Hyundai Mobis' new vision can be summarized in three directions: 'Leading mobility innovation', 'Expanding global customers', and 'Unlimited growth'. The goal is to lead the mobility paradigm as a first mover in the parts industry and expand the global market by overcoming limitations with innovative technologies and solutions.


First, Lead the Shift in Mobility means securing the ‘No. 1 technology’ that will lead the paradigm. It contains the will to lead the industry as a helmsman who suggests the direction of mobility beyond the level required by the market or customers.


In particular, it plans to provide differentiated solutions by increasing competitiveness in software-centric vehicles (SDV), human-machine interfaces (HMI), EVs, and chassis safety parts, which are emerging as trends in the future mobility industry. In the meantime, Hyundai Mobis has introduced a series of innovative technologies, including windshield displays, e-corner systems, an electric vehicle driving technology, and electronic brakes (EMB).


Expanding global customers (Move the world) is represented by increasing the sales ratio of overseas customers from the current 10% to 40% by 2033. To this end, we will continue to improve our profitability-based constitution. We plan to continue mid- to long-term partnerships with overseas customers by improving our supply chain and quality management capabilities, including the development of high value-added products. Hyundai Mobis is focusing on high value-added products such as AR-HUD and X by wire, as well as the development of independent technologies, while strengthening its technological competitiveness through strategic alliances and investments with global companies.


Growth without Limits (Beyond Possibilities) implies expanding the boundaries of mobility as Tier 0.5 without defining the limits of Tier 1 in the automobile industry. The goal is to build a flexible business model as a mobility platform provider and leap forward as a market leader through manufacturing and logistics innovation based on smart factories and new businesses.


Hyundai Mobis plans to continue to hold CEO-led town hall meetings and team-level workshops based on the vision and core values ​​established this time, and to focus on strengthening internal solidarity to achieve mid- to long-term goals by continuously providing opportunities for communication to internalize the vision among members.



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