2025.03.25 (화)

  • 맑음동두천 9.1℃
  • 구름많음강릉 8.1℃
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  • 황사대구 19.2℃
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  • 맑음보은 12.9℃
  • 구름많음금산 12.6℃
  • 맑음강진군 15.4℃
  • 맑음경주시 21.4℃
  • 맑음거제 15.8℃
기상청 제공


Amore Pacific sweeps design… Wins three main awards at the 'iF Design Award 2025'


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Amore Pacific won three main awards in two categories at the 'iF Design Award 2025'.


In the package design category, 'Odyssey Chapter Five' and 'Primera Niacica Cream & Cushion' won awards, and in the service design category, 'Custom Me Bespoke Essence Service' won awards.


'Odyssey Chapter Five' is a men's skincare product that reinterprets the 30-year heritage of the brand Odyssey in a modern way. It provides the brand's storytelling of 'sailing' and heritage of 'fragrance' as a fresh experience suited to the changing times.


The shape of a lighthouse floating on the sea was simplified and applied to the container design, and the brand's new persona was reflected in neutral and poetic graphics. The container, made of recycled glass and recycled plastic, was intended to minimize environmental impact.


'Primera Niacica Cream & Cushion' is a highly effective, hypoallergenic product that provides the best solution even for sensitive skin. The design was completed by using only the brand wordmark to intuitively convey the product's efficacy. The curve of the Primera wordmark 'prmr' was applied to the surface of the container to emphasize a soft and gentle feeling of use. The interior was developed into a refillable container, so it is environmentally friendly and can be used cleanly.


The 'Custom Me Bespoke Essence Service', which won the Service Design category, is a customized skincare solution that creates your own customized essence using AI skin diagnosis technology, and is being provided by Amore Seongsu. The transparent glass dispensing room space allows customers to directly check it, and a simple and intuitive path was implemented so that they can conveniently experience the diagnosis, testing, and dispensing processes as a customized solution.


Meanwhile, the iF Design Award is hosted by the International Forum Design in Germany and is considered one of the world's top three design competitions, along with the German Red Dot Design Award and the American IDEA Design Award.



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