2024.12.26 (목)

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기상청 제공


Orion Owner 3rd Generation Dam Seo-won, ‘ultra-fast promotion’ to executive director after 3 years of employment… Acceleration of management succession


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Orion Group Chairman Dam Chul-gon's eldest son and third-generation owner Dam Seo-won was promoted to executive director at lightning speed. This was only 3 years and 5 months after joining the company, and 2 years after being promoted to managing director.


Orion Group conducted its 2025 regular personnel reshuffle on the 23rd with the following content. Executive Director Dam, born in 1989 and 35 years old, is the eldest son of Orion Chairman Dam Chul-gon and his wife, Vice Chairman Lee Hwa-kyung, the second generation owner.


Executive Director Dam owns a 1.22% stake in Orion Holdings and a 1.23% stake in Orion. With his promotion, there is speculation that the transfer of Orion’s management rights will begin in earnest.

He joined Orion as a senior manager of the management support team in July 2021 and was promoted to managing director of the management support team in December 2022, 1 year and 5 months later. After graduating from New York University, Executive Director Dam earned an MBA from Peking University. He also worked at Kakao Enterprise for 2 years before joining Orion.


Executive Director Dam is receiving management training while carrying out practical work covering all aspects of management, including establishing and managing business strategies for the Orion Group, supporting global business, and new business. Since last year, he has played a leading role in establishing Orion’s enterprise-wide management system (ERP). In addition, as an inside director of Ligachem Bio, which was incorporated as an affiliate this year, he is directly participating in major decision-making.
