2025.01.18 (토)

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기상청 제공


LG Chem, expanding Thailand's aesthetic business 'quickly'... "Following filler, entering skin booster, maximizing synergy"


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] LG Chem is strengthening its business competitiveness in the Thai aesthetic market.


LG Chem announced on the 10th that it has begun full-scale sales of the PN (Polynucleotide) ingredient skin booster 'Vitaran (HP VITARAN, export name HP Cell VITARAN i)' in Thailand. Based on the direct sales network of the Thai corporation, following the cosmetic filler 'YVOIRE' that was first introduced in Thailand in 2021, it has expanded its aesthetic product line, and by maximizing the synergy between the two products, it is expected to gain further momentum in conquering the Thai market, a representative high-growth country in the medical beauty field.


'Vitaran' is a skin booster medical device introduced last year by 'Bialpharm', a regenerative medicine technology research and manufacturing company. It is characterized by its injectable formulation and high-quality raw materials.


Unlike skin booster products approved as cosmetics, skin booster medical devices can be injected into the skin, so direct skin improvement effects can be expected. In addition, the basic raw material production base, the BR Pharm Trout Farm, has secured reliability for raw material quality management by obtaining certification as a suitable facility (non-detectable radioactivity and heavy metal components) as a result of a marine product safety investigation by the Jeonnam Marine and Fisheries Research Institute.


Thailand is the largest aesthetic market in Southeast Asia, and according to data reported by the Thailand Society of Aesthetic Dermatology, the size of Thailand's non-invasive treatment market is expected to more than double from KRW 700 billion (USD 484 million) in 2023 to KRW 1.5 trillion (USD 1.084 trillion) in 2030.


In particular, as the aesthetic market focuses on natural skin improvement, simple injection procedures such as fillers and skin boosters are expected to gain strength, and thus, there will be opportunities for companies with multiple product lines that can meet the diverse needs of doctors and consumers.


LG Chem is also preparing the business of its premium line filler, ‘Y-Solution’, following ‘Evoar’ and ‘Vitaran’, and is planning to continuously expand its influence in the Thai market.


LG Chem Aesthetics Business Division Director Noh Ji-hye said, “Since the launch of ‘Evoire,’ the first hyaluronic acid filler developed by a domestic company in 2011, we have been working to expand our overseas markets and product line to provide trustworthy solutions to medical and aesthetic customers around the world.” She added, “We will continue to develop safe and effective products and treatment methods to meet various medical and aesthetic needs around the world, such as skin improvement and facial contouring.”
