2024.12.20 (금)

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  • 맑음경주시 3.6℃
  • 맑음거제 4.1℃
기상청 제공


[Space Chart] Top 20 Popular 'National Technical Qualifications' in the Job Market... Forklift Driving, Korean Cooking, Electrician in that Order


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] The most preferred national technical qualifications in the job market last year were ‘Forklift Driver Technician’ and ‘Korean Cuisine Technician.’


On the 27th, the Korea Human Resources Development Institute for Industry announced the results of the ‘Analysis of the Utilization of the National Technical Qualification Recruitment Market’, which analyzed 1,674,560 corporate job postings posted on the government’s employment portal, Employment 24, last year.


Looking at the top 20 qualifications for preferential hiring, forklift driver skills were the most with 17,108 cases (13.4%). Korean cuisine chef skills came in second (13,361 cases, 10.5%), and electrician skills came in third (6,910 cases, 5.4%).

The forklift driver's license is a qualification required by various companies such as construction companies, construction equipment rental companies, civil engineering companies, metal product manufacturers, and transportation/warehousing companies, and is known to be easier to obtain than other national technical qualifications. 


There are tests held regularly, and the passing rate for the practical exam is close to 50%.


The 4th to 10th places were surveyed to be Architectural Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Electrical Technician, Civil Engineer, 2nd Class Career Counselor, 2nd Class Computer Utilization Skills, and Automobile Maintenance Technician.


The 11th to 15th places were taken by information processing engineers, industrial safety engineers, air conditioning and refrigeration engineers, construction safety engineers, and architectural industry engineers, while the 16th to 20th places were taken by electronic CAD engineers, atmospheric environment engineers, energy management engineers, word processors, and gas engineers. 


Among all job postings, 127,612 (7.62%) were stipulating or preferentially giving national technical qualifications as a hiring requirement. Of these, the number of cases utilizing the 'technician' qualification was the highest at 59,976 (47.0%). This was followed by engineers (36,847 cases), industrial engineers (19,773 cases), and services (9,434 cases).


By field, national qualifications in the construction field accounted for 30.2%. This was followed by the electrical and electronic fields (18.3%) and the food service field (10.9%). By grade, the fields with the highest demand for recruitment were: △Quality Control Technician △Cooking Technician △Electrician △Electric Industry Technician △Forklift Driver Technician △Level 2 Career Counselor.


Lee Woo-young, chairman of the Korea Human Resources Development Institute for Industry, said, “Through this analysis of job posting information, we have confirmed that national technical qualifications are actively utilized in the actual job market,” and “We will expand the linkage of related systems so that those who have obtained qualifications can conveniently access job information, and proactively provide qualification information that is helpful for employment.”
