2025.03.25 (화)

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기상청 제공


"Sincerity for the socially disadvantaged"… Otoki wins global packaging award for Braille containers for 59 ramen noodles


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Otoki Ramen Co., Ltd. won the 'Food' category at the 2025 Worldstar Awards selected by the World Packaging Organization.


Otoki Ramen Co., Ltd. has introduced a 'Braille container' that displays external Braille and usage instructions on the ramen container, with the goal of ensuring information accessibility and the right to know for the socially vulnerable.


It is the world's first Braille display method that utilizes printing and foaming technology, breaking away from the existing paper container embossing method, and reflecting consumer needs. In particular, it was recognized for contributing to resolving inconveniences for the visually impaired by indicating cooking lines and basic cooking methods, and was awarded the '2025 Worldstar' awards.


The 2025 Worldstar Awards is the most prestigious packaging awards ceremony in the world, held with the goal of advancing innovative and excellent packaging technology. The event was judged by an international jury of 51 members representing 50 WPO member countries, and the winners were selected based on strict evaluation criteria from over 550 entries.


Otoki Ramen Co., Ltd.’s Braille container can be produced by simply adjusting the printing color without any post-processing, and it is designed to be applied to all products without additional costs. Compared to existing paper containers, paper usage is reduced by 20% to 30%, and unlike the general Braille method, it does not cause damage, so it can deliver accurate information to consumers.


This Braille container has been applied to a total of 59 types of container ramen products, and it is expected to be expanded to overseas markets as well as domestic markets.


An official from Otoki Ramen Co., Ltd. said, “Winning this Braille Container Global Packaging Award has become an opportunity to let the world know about the excellence of Otoki Ramen Co., Ltd.’s Braille containers,” and “We will work to expand Braille notation to more products so that socially disadvantaged people in Korea and abroad can use our company’s products more easily.”



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