2025.02.10 (월)

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기상청 제공


Choi Tae-Won and Kim Hee-Young, his longtime partner, made their first public appearance together at a Louis Vuitton event.

Choi Tae-Won, chairman of SK Group, and Kim Hee-Young, president of the T&C Foundation, attended a gala dinner in Paris, France, on October 14, local time.[Getty]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-Won and his partner Kim Hee-Young, the chairwoman of T&C Foundation, were spotted attending a gala dinner event in Paris, France on October 14 (local time). This is the first time the two have appeared together in a public setting.


Choi, who was in Paris to attend an international symposium organized by the South Korean government ahead of the 2030 World Expo host city decision, attended the event, "One Planet, Building Bridges To A Better Future," hosted by Louis Vuitton.


Unlike the official event (symposium), this event was a private event that invited representatives from member countries of the Bureau of International Expositions (BIE). Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, former French First Lady Carla Bruni, and other domestic and international dignitaries and business leaders attended.


Before the host city for the Expo is decided on December 28, the BIE gives participating countries the opportunity to hold five presentations (PTs) and one symposium. South Korea held its fourth PT in August, with President Yoon Suk-yeol, and a symposium on the theme of "Why Korea? Why Busan?" was held on the 9th with the participation of business leaders including Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, Chairman Choi Tae-Won, and Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Eui-sun. The fifth PT will be held on the day of the final vote.


Choi attended the '2030 Busan World Expo Official Symposium' and a press conference for foreign media in Paris last week. He then returned to Seoul briefly, met with the leaders of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in Seoul to request their support for the Busan Expo, and then returned to Paris to continue his busy schedule ahead of the host city vote.


Meanwhile, Choi is facing his first appeal hearing in his divorce lawsuit against his wife, Nabee Art Center director Noh So-young, on December 9. This is about 11 months after the first trial results were announced in early December last year.

