[Hot Pick] New Year's Dokdo Sunrise... Seo Kyung-deok "Proof of Republic of Korea Territory"

  • 등록 2025.01.01 18:39:01


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] On the first day of the new year in 2025, Professor Kyung-Deok Seo of Sungshin Women's University, the 'Dokdo Guardian', revealed a photo of the sunrise on Dokdo.


This photo was taken by an acquaintance who works in Dokdo, the first place in Korea where you can see the sunrise, and was provided to Professor Seo.


Professor Seo said about this, "This sunrise photo is another piece of evidence that proves that Dokdo is South Korean territory." He emphasized, "Because South Korea has effective control over it, only we can take photos of the New Year's sunrise on Dokdo."


Professor Seo Kyung-deok plans to carry out various global promotional campaigns regarding Dokdo this year as well.


He said, "We plan to release 'Dokdo Animation' domestically first," and "We are currently negotiating with various platforms so that it can be aired worldwide." He also said, "Although a final decision has not been made yet, we are planning a 'large-scale drone show' between Dokdo's East and West Islands to commemorate the 80th anniversary of liberation."


In particular, he added, "We plan to produce a multilingual video of the drone show over Dokdo to widely publicize the beauty of Dokdo to netizens around the world."

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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