Pulmuone, selected as 'Korea's most respected company' for 19 consecutive years... "Most selected among food companies"

  • 등록 2025.02.26 15:10:11


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Pulmuone (CEO Lee Woo-bong) announced on the 25th that it was selected as one of the 'All Star 30' most respected companies in Korea for the 19th consecutive year in recognition of its sustainable management performance in the '22nd Most Respected Companies in Korea in 2025' certification survey hosted by the Korea Productivity Association Consulting.


The All-Star 30 is a system that selects the top 30 companies in a survey of all domestic industries. This year, Pulmuone is the only comprehensive food company to be included in the All-Star 30, achieving a record of being selected in the All-Star 30 for 19 consecutive years and a cumulative 21st time. This is the most selections among comprehensive food companies.


Prior to this, the certification ceremony was held as an individual company certification ceremony at the Pulmuone Suseo headquarters, with the attendance of Han Su-hee, CEO and President of the Korea Productivity Association Consulting, and Kim Jong-heon, Head of Management Planning at Pulmuone Co., Ltd.


The 'Most Respected Companies in Korea' survey, which began in 2004 and is now in its 22nd year, involved a total of 11,466 people, including 7,644 industrial workers, 222 analysts, and 3,600 general consumers.


The industry-specific survey is conducted by evaluating industry professionals and securities analysts, and the All-Star survey selects 30 All-Star companies by adding general consumer evaluations to this. The All-Star survey reflects element quality, overall evaluation, and recommendation rate, while the industry-specific survey evaluates only element quality and overall evaluation, excluding the recommendation rate.


The element quality is an index that measures six values, including innovation ability, shareholder value, and customer value, which are key elements for becoming a respected company. The overall evaluation is an index that measures the degree to which respondents respect the company, and the recommendation rate is the frequency with which the company was answered as the 'most respectable company in Korea.'


Pulmuone was the only company in the food industry to receive high marks in the All-Star evaluation for its ‘recommendation rate’ and ‘social value’ categories, proving that it is a company that creates social value.


Pulmuone has been leading sustainable business based on the mission of ‘a company that creates a healthy tomorrow for people and the planet with the right food.’ It has expanded the concept of the right food to sustainable food and sustainable eating habits, and is contributing to the development of the domestic food industry and changes in consumers’ eating habits with innovative products and services that consider my health and the environment.


In order to pursue its corporate mission, Pulmuone is developing a sustainable future food business in conjunction with the four core strategies of ‘Plant Forward’, ‘Animal Welfare’, ‘Healthy Experience’, and ‘Eco-Caring’. In Korea, it is leading the market with plant-oriented foods and animal welfare foods, and overseas, it is strengthening its global competitiveness through sustainable K-Food.


Sustainable Food is conducting business through the plant-oriented food brand 'Pulmuone Earth Diet'. Pulmuone Earth Diet recorded sales of approximately KRW 43 billion in just one year after its launch in August 2022. Pulmuone plans to increase the proportion of sustainable foods in total food sales to 65% by 2027.


In order to pursue a sustainable global environment, Pulmuone has established an 'Eco-Caring' strategy and is managing it by dividing it into the Net-Zero strategy, which manages greenhouse gases, and the Nature Positive strategy, which manages water resources and plastic usage.


Net-Zero is a strategy to reduce carbon emissions to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C in response to global climate change. Pulmuone plans to reduce greenhouse gases generated throughout the entire supply chain through various methods such as using sustainable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste, utilizing eco-friendly transportation, and sourcing low-carbon raw materials. In addition, it is minimizing biodiversity loss and expanding sustainable products and services through the Nature Positive strategy. To this end, it is minimizing environmental pollutants emitted from its business sites and minimizing the impact on the surrounding environment when emitted.


In order to practice people-respecting management, Pulmuone is creating a corporate culture that protects human rights and respects diversity, and is carrying out various public interest activities to fulfill its corporate social responsibility. It established the Pulmuone Foundation as a non-profit public interest corporation and has provided education on healthy eating and environmental habits to over 400,000 children since 2010. Starting in 2023, it will expand its education business to the social sector and operate 'Empathy Education for Coexistence' to foster the empathy that children need for a sustainable future, and 'Children's Scientific Thinking Laboratory' to help strengthen children's scientific thinking ability.


In the year before last, we established the subsidiary-type standard workplace for the disabled, 'Pulmuone Together', on the site of the Pulmuone Yangji Logistics Center to support the economic independence of the disabled. As part of our Mecenat activities, we have been operating 'Museum Kimchikan', the only kimchi museum in Seoul, for 39 years, and have been promoting and preserving Korean kimchi and kimchi culture both domestically and internationally. In order to help establish a foundation for the independence and self-reliance of developmentally disabled workers, we signed a 'Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Bean Sprout Production Consignment and Delivery' with Ganghwado Urimaeul in 2011, and are transferring Pulmuone's bean sprout cultivation know-how and supporting the production, distribution, and sales of bean sprouts.


Kim Jong-heon, head of management planning at Pulmuone, said, “We are very honored that Pulmuone has been selected for 19 consecutive years as the only comprehensive food company to receive the ‘Most Admired Company in Korea,’ which boasts the highest authority in Korea.” He added, “As a ‘for-profit company that pursues social public interest,’ Pulmuone will continue to build a sustainable future by creating economic, environmental, and social value, and will further strengthen ESG management.”


Meanwhile, Pulmuone's sustainable management has been recognized by the international community, and for the second consecutive year, it was selected as one of the top five global food companies in the 2024 Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA, formerly DJSI) announced by S&P Global, one of the world's top three credit rating agencies, and its global ESG leadership has been recognized.

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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