GS Retail, 90,000 Customers' Personal Information Leaked Due to Hacking... "7 Items Including Date of Birth, Contact Information, Address, etc., Concerns About Secondary Damage"

  • 등록 2025.01.07 17:28:57


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] It has been confirmed that GS Retail suffered a website hacking attack, resulting in the leak of personal information of approximately 90,000 customers. GS Retail has issued an official apology and announced its position to strengthen security.


According to industry sources on the 6th, GS Retail announced that it had discovered that personal information of approximately 90,000 customers was leaked due to a website hacking attack that took place between the 27th of last month and the 4th of this month.


The personal information believed to have been leaked this time includes a total of 7 items: ▲name ▲gender ▲date of birth ▲contact information ▲address ▲ID ▲email address.


GS Retail explains that the hacking method confirmed this time is 'credential stuffing', which involves randomly entering account and password information collected through various routes, logging in, and then stealing personal information.


GS Retail asked people to immediately change their passwords to prevent secondary damage and to report any phone calls or emails that are suspected of misusing personal information.


GS Retail said that after becoming aware of the fact, it blocked the IP (Internet Protocol) that attempted hacking and locked the customer account so that it could not log in. It also temporarily closed the page where personal information was displayed so that it could not be viewed.


A GS Retail official said, “We deeply apologize to our customers for any inconvenience and concern this may have caused,” and added, “We will do our best to further strengthen system security and thoroughly protect personal information in the future.”

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