'Vegan Revolution' Dalba global's Rise... Sales 'Exceeding' 300 Billion Won, Operating Profit Margin 20%, KOSPI 'Green Light'

  • 등록 2025.02.19 13:49:21


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Premium vegan beauty brand d'Alba announced that it recorded sales of KRW 309 billion, operating profit of KRW 59.8 billion, and net profit of KRW 15.5 billion in 2024 through its provisional performance for 2024.


Accordingly, the operating profit ratio approached 20% at 19.4%. This was mainly due to corporate tax expenses of KRW 13.5 billion and non-cash/non-recurring expenses such as KRW 33 billion in valuation losses on convertible redeemable preferred stocks. It is known that the valuation losses were fully recognized after 24 years.


Since its establishment in 2016, Dalba has recorded sales and operating profit increases for nine consecutive years until 2024, demonstrating an unusual level of financial growth and stability within the same industry. In particular, the overseas sales ratio in 2024 was 45%, a significant increase from 20% in the previous year, and as of the third quarter of 2024, it achieved the highest overseas sales ratio increase rate and the second highest overseas sales growth rate among 74 domestic cosmetics companies.


Founded in March 2016, Dalba Global has a diverse line of premium beauty products using Italian white truffle as its main ingredient.


Its flagship product, 'White Truffle First Spray Serum', gained word of mouth as 'Flight Attendant Mist' upon its launch, and has since grown rapidly by combining the highest quality functional ingredients, such as truffle, with innovative ideas, such as a spray-type serum formulation, and continues to be chosen by discerning customers.


Dalba Global, which passed the preliminary screening for listing on KOSPI in January of this year and is expected to be listed this year, is recording a solid growth rate compared to other companies in the related industry, such as APL, VT, and Amore, with an average annual growth rate of 65% over the past three years.


The target sales for 2025 are 440 billion won, and the plan is to smoothly achieve the target by actively entering global large retail channels, accelerating sales of the new beauty device (Olcera) business, and fostering the Veganuary brand for health food products.


A Dalbaglobal official said, “Even after listing on the KOSPI, we will continue to think about how to sustain our current growth momentum with the same beginner’s mindset as a startup,” adding, “We prioritize qualitative growth accompanied by diversification of countries/channels/products over simple quantitative growth.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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