Vice Chairman Myung-Noh Hyun Orders “LS GPT to Lead Innovation and Produce Star Players”… Strengthening Talent Development Programs

  • 등록 2025.03.08 12:20:34


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Vice Chairman Myung No-hyun recently held the 'LS Team Leader Conference 2025' at LS Miraewon and took the lead in strengthening leadership capabilities within the organization.


Vice Chairman Myung emphasized to team leaders that “in times of upheaval like this, when the world is shaken, new opportunities arise, so we must actively utilize LS GPT and training programs to innovatively improve work processes and derive optimal execution strategies.”


He continued, “As organizational leaders, each member must proactively respond to the rapidly changing environment with improved work methods and produce star players who will stand out with new strategies for each team.” To this end, he urged, “We must actively accept the ideas of the Gen Z generation suitable for the AI ​​era and utilize talent management programs such as LS MBA to maximize the capabilities of each member of the organization.”


This event, which is in its third year starting in 2023, was designed for approximately 350 team leaders within the group to effectively respond to the rapidly changing management environment and ensure that all teams move in the same direction in line with LS Group's long-term goal of 'Vision 2030'.


In particular, this year’s conference emphasized ways to strengthen core business competitiveness through AI-based work productivity improvement in accordance with Vice Chairman Myung’s order, and team leaders explored ways to maximize efficiency by applying LS GPT, the group’s AI platform, to their work environments. In addition, they had time to explore the possibility of collaboration between teams from various affiliates and confirm the possibility of strengthening cooperation and creating synergy within the group.


Earlier, on the 20th of last month, LS Group conducted a two-day training course focused on developing management and leadership capabilities for new senior managers so that they could quickly adapt to their changed roles. Through this training, the new managers gained insight into how to lead the organization more effectively and laid the foundation for contributing to the group’s future goal achievement and performance creation.


LS Group plans to continue to operate various programs to foster talent, such as the ‘Future Entrepreneur Training Course’ to strengthen the capabilities of CEO candidates, the ‘Collaboration Facilitator Training Course’ for section chiefs, and the ‘Executive Insight Report and Zoom Seminar’ to support executives’ decision-making.

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