“Cutting-edge cyber warfare encompassing AI, quantum computing, and satellite hacking”… LIG Nex1 participates in ‘Defense Cyber Marvel 4’

  • 등록 2025.03.05 16:21:06


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] LIG Nex1 (CEO Shin Ik-hyun) participated in the multinational cyber defense training 'Defense Cyber ​​Marvel 4 (DCM4)' held at the Sono Calm Hotel in Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do in February.


The DCM, hosted by the British Military Cyber ​​Association since 2022, has been upgraded to an international exercise in 2023, and was co-hosted by the National Intelligence Service of the Republic of Korea this year. The exercise was attended by Shin Ik-hyun, CEO of LIG Nex1, British Ambassador to South Korea Colin Crooks, and Lieutenant General Tom Coppinger-Symes, Deputy Commander of UK Strategic Command.


LIG Nex1 participated as an industry team and conducted practical cyber warfare training including AI, quantum computing, and satellite hacking. This international training experience is expected to be an opportunity to significantly strengthen development capabilities related to cyber warfare in the future.

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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