“K-Construction design capabilities recognized globally”… GS E&C wins two categories at the ‘iF Design Award 2025’

  • 등록 2025.03.05 16:27:04


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] GS E&C's 'Xi' brand magazine 'BEYOND A.', which completely changed its brand direction from supplier-centered to customer-centered through rebranding after 22 years, won the Winner award in two categories at the 'iF Design Award 2025,' the world's most prestigious international design award.


GS E&C announced on the 5th that in the recently announced 'iF Design Award 2025' evaluation, it won the Winner award in the User Interface (UI) category for the website of the Xi brand magazine 'BEYOND A.' and in the Communication category for the brand book of the same name, 'BEYOND A.', which was made into a book in the form of a website.


In particular, the Xi brand magazine website 'BEYOND A.', which won the User Interface (UI) category this time, is the first domestic construction company to win a design award as a content platform, adding to its significance.


GS E&C's 'BEYOND A.', which won an award in the UI category this time, is the first web-based magazine in the construction industry to highlight the lifestyles of residents, and has been publishing a weekly newsletter since January 2021.


It provides various contents such as interview-based presentations of the lifestyles of Xi residents, and acts as a medium for communication between the brand and customers. It is characterized by going beyond simple brand promotion and capturing stories about residents’ tastes and products through sensory videos, images, and text.


Also, the brand book 'BEYOND A.', which was published as a book last year by collecting the digital contents of 'BEYOND A.', won the grand prize in the Communication category at this year's 'iF Design Award 2025'. The brand book conveys the brand value more richly by focusing on the design philosophy of Xi Apartment and interviews with residents, by capturing vivid digital information with the analog sensibility of paper.


A GS E&C official said, “We will further expand communication with customers through the Xi brand magazine BEYOND A.” He added, “We will introduce the values ​​pursued by the Xi brand, the vision for apartments, and the stories of the people living in them, and develop it into a magazine that captures the values ​​of life beyond apartments.”


Meanwhile, the 'iF Design Award' is the most prestigious design award, hosted by the International Forum in Germany in 1953, and is considered one of the world's top three design awards along with the 'Red Dot Design Award' in Germany and the 'IDEA' in the United States. In this 'iF Design Award 2025', about 10,000 entries from 66 countries around the world competed, and the winners were selected by comprehensively evaluating the design's differentiation and influence in a total of 9 categories, including product, communication, UX, UI, and service design.

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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