“We will create a bright world with human-centered AI”… LG Uplus Hong Beom-sik presents a blueprint for the new AI era

  • 등록 2025.03.08 12:18:10


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] LG Uplus presented 'A Bright World Created with Human-Centered AI' as a blueprint for the New AI era. It also expressed its ambition to grow into an 'Agenda Setter' that goes beyond existing innovations and leads changes in the market.


At the MWC25 press conference held in Barcelona, ​​Spain on the 4th (local time), LG Uplus President Hong Beom-sik said, “LG ​​Uplus aims for ‘human-centered AI’ that focuses on customers who use AI rather than the AI ​​technology itself,” and revealed the 4A (Assured, Adaptive, Accompanied, Altruistic) Intelligence strategy to create a brighter world.


First, we plan to focus on AI technology that customers can trust and use with confidence (Assured), and based on this, we plan to create an experience that is just right for customers (Adaptive). Next, we plan to create AI that accompanies all of customers’ daily lives (Accompanied), and ultimately, AI that brightens the world and humanity (Altruistic).


CEO Hong Beom-sik said, “The most important starting point for moving toward a brighter world is Assured Intelligence,” and explained, “We are changing our fundamental frame of thinking to create AI that customers can use with confidence.”


When most companies create a new service, they defensively check security last, but LG U+ needs to completely reverse this order and start with innovation by building a foundation centered on security, according to CEO Hong.


President Hong emphasized, “The key is to prioritize security while not slowing down the speed of service development,” and “LG U+ is boldly jumping into a new area that no one in Korea has yet attempted.”


Regarding Safe Intelligence, LG Uplus showcased AI security technologies such as ▲Anti-DeepVoice ▲On-device sLM (small Language Model) ▲Quantum Cryptography (PQC) technology under the name of 'ixi-Guardian' at its MWC25 exhibition booth. These are innovative security technologies that LG Uplus is introducing for the first time among global telecommunications companies, and LG Uplus plans to continue to showcase various differentiated security technologies in the future and spur the development of Safe Intelligence.


At the meeting that day, President Hong also introduced the status of partnerships with global big tech companies.


At this year's MWC25, LG Uplus signed a strategic partnership to expand the use of Google's AI engine 'Gemini' in its AI agent service 'ixi-O'.


Ixio, the world's first on-device-based AI agent, is expected to evolve into an actionable AI capable of sophisticated analysis, summarization, and recommendations through collaboration with Google.


As Ixio is already receiving positive responses from domestic users, it is expected that interest in Ixio both domestically and internationally will heat up even more with the addition of an Android version with various added features.


“Not only the big tech companies in the U.S., but also telecommunication companies such as Japan’s KDDI and the Middle East’s Zain Group have shown great interest in Ixio,” said CEO Hong. “I believe there will be an opportunity to announce meaningful results.”


In the B2B sector, collaboration with AWS, which has been discussed previously, is also taking shape. LG Uplus is discussing cooperation with AWS, the world’s No. 1 CSP, in the AI ​​Cloud sector. Regarding this, President Hong said, “There has been considerable progress in discussions on collaboration with AWS at this MWC, and we will be able to disclose more specific details soon.”


Hong Beom-sik, who was appointed CEO of LG Uplus in December last year, held a press conference to share his thoughts on the past 100 days and his aspirations as the new CEO.


CEO Hong said, “During my first 100 days in office, I felt that LG Uplus was playing an excellent role as a disruptor that creates fresh innovations in the market.” He continued, “LG ​​Uplus was the first in the world to provide nationwide LTE network service and successfully commercialized 5G, and has introduced innovations such as Kids’ World and Netflix services.”


President Hong emphasized, “Now, based on solid fundamentals, we will focus on human-centered AI and create a bright world as an agenda setter leading new changes in the communications and AI markets.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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