SPC Paris Baguette Enters Vancouver, Canada… “Accelerating Conquest of North American Market”

  • 등록 2024.12.26 18:04:30


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] SPC Group's Paris Baguette has entered the Vancouver area by opening its 9th Canadian store, 'Coquitlam', and its 10th store, 'Alberni St.'


Paris Baguette is rapidly expanding across Canada, opening stores in major cities including Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver.


In the case of the Coquitlam branch, a long line of nearly 100 people formed before business began on the opening day, the 20th (local time), and the response was so hot that about 4,500 pieces of bread and cake were sold.


Vancouver stores introduced pastries such as chausson aux pommes, a French-style apple pie, pain au chocolat, and feuillete au chocolat as their signature menu items, along with whipped cream cakes, a popular product in North America, which received a good response from customers who visited the stores.


The Coquitlam area of ​​Vancouver has a large floating population and is receiving attention as a future business district with new urban development projects underway. Albany Street is a street located in downtown Vancouver and is a shopping district lined with high-end brand stores and hotels. Paris Baguette plans to expand its stores throughout Vancouver, based on Coquitlam and Albany Street.


A Paris Baguette official said, “Vancouver is the economic center of Canada and a city where many ethnicities and cultures coexist, making it a great place to meet diverse customer groups. We will accelerate our foray into the North American market by expanding Paris Baguette stores across Canada.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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