ONE store partners with Moloco to drive mobile app's growth on Kuailewan Store

  • 등록 2025.03.05 16:15:03


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Moloco, a leader in operational machine learning and performance advertising, announced that it has been selected as the app publishing and marketing partner for ‘Kuailewan store (快樂玩STORE, ENJOY STORE)’, a joint app marketplace with HappyTuk, ONE store's partner in Taiwan.


Through this partnership, Moloco will support global app publishers in effectively utilizing the ONE store platform in the Taiwanese and global markets while enhancing digital marketing strategies as the official partner of ONE store in Taiwan.


ONE store is a leading global third-party app marketplace that provides various mobile content, including games and apps. With over a decade of experience in app marketplace operations and technological expertise, it is rapidly growing by expanding into global markets such as Taiwan and the U.S.


ONE store distinguishes itself with its competitive advantages, including a high revenue share, localized payment methods, and tailored marketing strategies focused on local markets.


Through this partnership, Moloco will leverage its years of experience and expertise in digital performance advertising to support global publishers and game apps onboarding to ONE store in Taiwan. Moloco will contribute to user acquisition and engagement by providing localized digital marketing.


Additionally, publishers who onboard their apps to ONE store through Moloco will receive additional marketing benefits such as banner exposure and campaign credits.


Moloco will also support the expansion of ONE store’s traffic, based on its success in various third-party app marketplaces like Xiaomi and TapTap, and will work to execute effective campaigns in new third-party app markets beyond traditional app stores like Google Play Store and Apple App Store.


Starting with this partnership in Taiwan, Moloco and ONE store will continue their collaboration in the global market, offering more app publishers opportunities for global expansion.


Xiaoxiao Zhu, China Country Manager at Moloco, added, "Based on our success in the mobile app marketing field, Moloco will support game, commerce, and other publishers in achieving successful user acquisition and campaign performance in new third-party app marketplaces.


Through this partnership with ONE store, we will actively assist publishers in discovering new opportunities and expanding their businesses in Taiwan and global markets."

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