“ESG Management Global Top 1%”… LG Display Receives ‘Platinum’, Highest Grade in EcoVadis Sustainability Evaluation

  • 등록 2025.03.09 14:39:58


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] LG Display (CEO Jeong Cheol-dong) received the highest grade, 'Platinum', given to the top 1% of companies in EcoVadis' 2025 sustainability assessment.


EcoVadis is a global ESG evaluation agency founded in Paris, France in 2007. It evaluates over 150,000 companies in 180 countries around the world in four areas: ▲Environment ▲Labor/Human Rights ▲Ethics ▲Supply Chain, and awards grades of Platinum (top 1%), Gold (top 5%), Silver (top 15%), and Bronze (top 35%).


This is recognized as a credible indicator worldwide, and leading global companies are known to actively use it to evaluate the ESG management performance of vendors.


LG Display received high marks in this evaluation for specifying ESG policies and goals. It also received high scores for its multifaceted efforts in ESG management, including eco-friendly technology innovation, support for strengthening partner capabilities, and advancement of the legal compliance management system.


LG Display expects that by obtaining this Platinum rating, it will be able to actively respond to the demands of major stakeholders and strengthen its competitiveness in the global market.


Meanwhile, LG Display not only received an AA grade in the ESG evaluation by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) last year, but also ranked first in the domestic IT parts sector for two consecutive years in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) evaluation and was included in the Asia Pacific Index, consistently receiving recognition for its ESG management performance from credible institutions.


An LG Display official said, “This is a meaningful result that has once again recognized our ESG management performance through objective indicators,” and added, “We will continue to pursue sustainable growth and strive to provide differentiated customer value.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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