[Space Chart] Starbucks 2024 Sales Ranking Beverage TOP 10… "Milk Tea 8th Place, 3 Tea Beverages Top 10"

  • 등록 2024.12.30 10:25:34


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Starbucks Korea (CEO Son Jeong-hyeon) has revealed the top 10 drinks that were most loved by customers throughout the year.


This year, three tea beverages made it into the TOP 10, showing that clean-tasting tea beverages continue to grow. In fact, looking at beverage sales data from the past three years, the number of tea beverages in the TOP 10 increased from one in 2022 to three in 2024.


In particular, 'Starbucks Classic Milk Tea', which was first introduced in October of last year, attracted attention by making it to the TOP 10 just one year after its release, which is unusual for a tea beverage. 'Starbucks Classic Milk Tea', which became a hot topic last year by selling over 1 million cups in just 15 days after its release, rose to the ranks of popular drinks by taking 8th place in the beverage rankings this year.


In addition, 'Grapefruit Honey Black Tea' (3rd place), which was the first tea beverage to surpass 100 million cups in cumulative sales in October, and 'Yuja Mint Tea' (9th place), which was newly added to the TOP 10 popular beverages last year, were once again included in the TOP 10 beverages this year.


'Strawberry Delight Yogurt Blended' (10th place), a steady-selling strawberry drink that can be enjoyed by people of all ages as it does not contain caffeine, was also selected as one of the popular drinks this year, following last year.


The strength of coffee drinks containing espresso also continued. 'Cafe Americano' and 'Cafe Latte' have proven once again that they are Starbucks' representative drinks by consistently ranking first and second for 15 years since sales volume was first collected in 2009.


'Decaffeine Cafe Americano', 'Vanilla Cream Cold Brew', 'Starbucks Dolce Latte', and 'Cold Brew', which surpassed 100 million cups in cumulative sales as of May this year, also took 4th to 7th place, respectively. Starbucks Cold Brew, which is as popular as espresso, is made by baristas with great care over a long period of time, and has a rich chocolatey first taste and a clean aftertaste, and is also available in various menus with various side ingredients.


In addition, Starbucks celebrated its 25th anniversary this year by introducing beverages that were popular globally to Korea for the first time, releasing beverages in collaboration with famous brands, and expanding the sales network nationwide for specialty beverages that were only available at certain stores, thereby expanding customer choices and providing diverse experiences.


In particular, many of the drinks developed this year reflect the recent trend of preferring caffeine-free drinks, including 'White Taro Latte', 'Grapefruit Mango Coco Frappuccino', and 'Light Pink Grapefruit Fizzio'.


Starbucks Korea beverage team leader Lee Myeong-hun said, “In addition to Grapefruit Honey Black Tea, Starbucks Classic Milk Tea, which was first introduced last year, has ranked in the top 10 in sales for the first time, showing the continued strength of tea beverages,” and “Starbucks will continue to do its best to ensure that products that reflect customers’ needs are consistently loved, such as Peach Iced/Hot Tea, which has been requested for continued sales by customers, will be converted to permanent sales starting January 1.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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