“If you’re going to play, let’s play properly at ‘NOL’”… Nol Universe ‘NOL’ stands tall as the only platform

  • 등록 2025.03.08 12:20:21


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] 'Nol Universe', launched through the merger of Yanolja Platform and Interpark Triple, is embarking on building a worldview that will open new horizons for the travel, leisure, and culture industries. As a first step, it is sending up a signal of change by completely reorganizing the existing platform name.


Nol Universe (Co-CEOs Bae Bo-chan and Choi Hwi-young) announced on the 7th that they will be drastically reorganizing the names of their operating platforms. Yanolja Platform will be renamed to 'NOL', Interpark Ticket to 'NOL Ticket', and Interpark Tour to 'NOL Interpark Tour'. 'Triple' will continue to use the existing platform name. The changed platform names are scheduled to be fully reflected in the middle of next month.


The inbound platform operated by Nol Universe is also seeking change. The platforms for foreign tourists visiting Korea, ‘Interpark Global’ and ‘Triple Korea’, will be integrated and renamed ‘Interpark Global by NOL’. It will provide Triple Korea’s Korean travel content and convenient functions such as route finding to Interpark Global’s 6 million foreign members, and will be reborn as the representative domestic inbound platform.


Nol Universe, with its brand mission of “allowing everyone to play with peace of mind,” puts customer happiness first and will accompany customers on every journey to diversify their lives beyond the boundaries of the travel, leisure, and culture industries.


To this end, we plan to strengthen the competitiveness of services provided on each platform and create synergy between businesses. The strategy is to provide a service that can plan and execute all leisure activities within Nol Universe. Based on this, we will evolve into a daily platform that you will naturally visit whenever you enjoy your leisure activities, and ultimately, we aim to become an irreplaceable 'Only1' platform that encompasses the travel, leisure, and culture industries.


Bae Bo-chan, co-CEO of Nol Universe, said, “We will create a leisure ecosystem by establishing the Nol Universe worldview,” and “We will provide customers with more choices and convenience through synergy between platforms.”


He continued, “We will continue to grow and pursue innovation unique to Nol Universe with the goal of establishing ourselves as an ‘Only1’ platform.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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