Japan's 'Takeshima Day' provocation "Korea illegally occupied" forced… 'Takeshima curry' appears again

  • 등록 2025.02.24 14:52:25


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Japan irritated Korea on February 22nd by making the far-fetched claim that Dokdo is Japanese territory on what it called “Takeshima Day” (the name for Dokdo claimed by Japan).


The far-right Sankei Shimbun said in an editorial, "Historically and under international law, Takeshima is undoubtedly Japan's inherent territory," and "Seventy years have passed since South Korea illegally occupied it. This is a clear violation of sovereignty and can never be tolerated."


Sankei continued, “Northern Territories Day (February 7) was designated by the (Japanese) government, but Takeshima Day is still a day designated by Shimane Prefecture. How is it?” and “The government does not seem to have the spirit to reclaim Takeshima,” pressuring the Japanese government for diplomatic activities.


Japan, which claims Dokdo as its territory, designates February 22nd every year as “Takeshima Day” and holds commemorative events.


The Yomiuri Shimbun reported, "The Japanese government will send Eriko Imai, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, to the 'Takeshima Day' event held in Shimane Prefecture on this day," and "Shimane Prefecture, the host, requested the attendance of cabinet-level officials, but the dispatch of cabinet officials was put on hold out of consideration for Japan-South Korea relations." The Japanese government has been sending vice-ministerial-level officials to this event for 13 consecutive years.


In Shimane Prefecture, 'Takeshima Curry' appeared again on the 22nd, causing controversy.


Professor Seo Kyung-deok of Sungshin Women's University said, "I found out about it after a netizen reported it, and this year, as always, it was sold at the basement restaurant of the Shimane Prefectural Office." A limited number of 110 servings were sold over two days, February 20 and 21, and it was made by making a shape of Dokdo with rice and pouring curry sauce with seafood caught in the sea around Oki Island.


Another characteristic is that the ‘Takeshima’ flag, meaning ‘Takeshima’, is placed on top of the rice.


Professor Seo Kyung-deok criticized, "Shimane Prefecture's continued appearance of 'Takeshima Curry' over the past few years may have been a strategy to instill in local officials and citizens the perception that Dokdo is Japanese territory," adding, "Does this mean Dokdo becomes Japanese territory? It is truly pathetic."


He also emphasized, "If Japan wants genuine Japan-ROK relations, it should first abolish the 'Takeshima Day' event," and "I hope that the Japanese government and local governments will have the correct view of history from now on and act in a way that will not be shameful to the next generation."

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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