Jin Ramen' Released with BTS' 'Jin' as Model... Otoki Co., Ltd. Launches Global Campaign with New Packaging

  • 등록 2025.02.26 15:03:42


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] Otoki (CEO Hwang Sung-man) will be conducting a global campaign for K-representative ramen 'Jin Ramen' in March. They selected Jin of BTS, a 21st century pop icon, as the global model for Jin Ramen, and they plan to fully expand the market with global marketing linked to the renewal of Jin Ramen's global package design this year.


The global campaign will be launched worldwide starting with a video, and packaging with BTS Jin’s portrait inserted into it will be available on containers and cups. Jin will be engraved on Jin Ramen, which is exported to various countries and regions including the US, Canada, China, Vietnam, and Indonesia, as well as domestic products.


We also have a set of seal stickers. The seal stickers are included in the Jin Ramen multi-product, and there are a total of 12 types, including BTS Jin's handwritten lettering, and the character 'Woo-tae' developed by Jin himself to commemorate the release of BTS Jin's first solo single 'The Astronaut' in 2022. Domestic products will include 1 of the 12 types and operate in limited quantities, while export multi-packs will include 1 of the 4 types with Jin's portrait engraved on them.


Recently, Otoki participated in the '2025 Winter Fancy Food Show', the largest food expo in the U.S. held in Las Vegas, USA, and met directly with buyers and famous chefs from each country to demonstrate the high status of Jin Ramen as a representative K-ramen and actively attack overseas markets. In particular, the English spelling of Jin Ramen Jin, 'Jin', was applied across the board to make it easier for foreigners to remember, and the flavors are indicated in various languages ​​and a cute mascot is used to add friendliness and make the brand more clearly imprinted on overseas consumers.


An official from Otoki Co., Ltd. said, “We would like to actively strengthen communication with overseas consumers through the Jin Ramen global campaign,” and added, “We ask for a lot of interest in the campaign that is starting with global artist BTS Jin and the new packaging.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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