“Reborn as a drone specialist company”… LIG Nex1 to showcase new drone technology at ‘DSK 2025’

  • 등록 2025.02.26 15:02:44


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] LIG Nex1 (CEO Shin Ik-hyun) will participate in 'DSK 2025' held at BEXCO in Busan for three days from February 26th and present comprehensive solutions covering all areas of drones, which are attracting attention as game changers in the future battlefield.


At this exhibition, LIG ​​Nex1 will exhibit ▲small UAV response system (Block-I) in the ‘counter-drone field,’ ▲small reconnaissance and strike complex drone ▲40kg payload hybrid transport drone system ▲multipurpose unmanned helicopter (MPUH), and ‘integrated avionics system’ specialized in advanced air vehicles (AAV) to be used in future urban air traffic (UAM). LIG Nex1 plans to introduce its advanced technologies ranging from surveillance and reconnaissance, strike, and transportation solutions in the counter-drone field and contribute to the completion of cutting-edge science and technology forces based on manned and unmanned complex systems.


The 'Small UAV Countermeasure System (Block-I)' is a Korean-type jammer (K-Jammer) with a 'soft kill' method that can detect small UAVs, receive flight information, and emit jamming waves to cause them to deviate from their path or crash. The system development is underway with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) from 2022, and once development is complete, it will be able to perform missions as electronic warfare equipment that can block North Korean drones and unmanned aerial vehicles from entering the airspace at the forefront.


In addition, LIG ​​Nex1, together with LIG Systems, will introduce for the first time the 'Automated Air Defense System Tracking Technology' that processes data received from multiple long-range radars in real time to track aircraft routes, and the 'Day/Night Surveillance and Reconnaissance Smart Drone System' that can detect and track objects using an AI analysis model utilizing domestic AI semiconductors in videos taken during the day and at night.

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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