CJ Logistics, 28-ton fighter jet training simulator transported to Poland successfully… K-Defense logistics partner competitiveness ‘stands tall’

  • 등록 2025.02.24 14:46:45


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] CJ Logistics, an innovative technology company, has successfully transported fighter jet training equipment that requires precise operational capabilities, once again proving its capabilities as a logistics partner for K Defense, a company that stands out globally.


CJ Logistics announced on the 24th that it has successfully completed a defense logistics project to transport two fighter jet training equipment simulators to Poland.


One Full Mission Simulator (FMS) and one Operational Flight Trainer (OFT) from the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) Gosung plant were transported to the Minsk Mazowiecki Air Base in Poland over a period of five weeks from December last year to January this year.


Just like main defense equipment such as fighters and tanks, simulators, which are training equipment, also contain precise electronic devices and complex mechanical structures, so they require extreme care during transportation. They are particularly sensitive to external shocks and vibrations, so there is a high risk of damage during transportation, and therefore a high level of logistics expertise is essential.


CJ Logistics applied a 'modular method' to improve transportation stability, transporting cargo in a disassembled state to the final destination and assembling it locally. The simulator, disassembled into 35 parts, was individually packaged and transported domestically, by air, and by land transport in Poland.


A total of 15 vibration-free vehicles were used for domestic and overseas inland transportation to minimize external impacts on the large cargo weighing a total of 28 tons. After the cargo arrived in Poland, it went through a thorough import customs clearance process, completed a condition check, and completed the import process. Afterwards, the disassembled parts were assembled and restored to the final finished product.


In particular, in this project, CJ Logistics designed the optimal air route based on its expertise, taking into account national airspace passage regulations and security requirements. Since the simulator is classified as a military material, there are restrictions on passage through the airspace of some countries, so instead of a direct flight from Korea to Poland, a detour route via Vancouver, Canada was adopted. Despite the increased transportation time compared to the direct route, it demonstrated its defense logistics capabilities by simultaneously considering efficiency and stability to produce the optimal result.


CJ Logistics is strengthening its position in the defense logistics sector and gaining trust in the global defense market by utilizing route optimization technology and modular transportation methods. Last year, it successfully transported KAI’s T-50TH fighter jet, disassembled into four parts: the fuselage, wings, vertical tail, and engine, to Takhli Air Force Base in Thailand.


In 2022, nine T-50B aircraft of the South Korean Air Force's special flight team Black Eagles, which participated in an international air show held in the UK, were transported in a modular manner. In addition, CJ Logistics is establishing itself as a key partner by accumulating experience in transporting various defense materials such as tanks and helicopters.


Jang Young-ho, head of CJ Logistics IFS Division, said, “We were able to successfully transport the simulator to Poland based on our specialized technology in defense logistics and the experience we have accumulated through transporting various types of cargo.” He added, “We will further enhance our expertise so that we can increase competitiveness and reliability through stable logistics operations and contribute to the globalization of K-defense.”

이승원 기자 newsspace77@gmail.com
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