Jeju Air Cancels 68,000 Flights Due to Muan Airport Disaster… “I’m so Anxious I Can’t Fly LCC”

  • 등록 2024.12.31 10:28:37


[News Space=Reporter seungwon lee] It has been confirmed that approximately 68,000 Jeju Air flight reservations were canceled in the 24 hours following the Jeju Air passenger plane disaster at Muan International Airport.


Jeju Air reported that from yesterday (the 29th) to 1:00 PM on the 30th, the number of flight cancellations was approximately 33,000 for domestic flights and 34,000 for international flights.


Although the counting began at midnight, it was found that most of the cancellations occurred after 9 AM yesterday, when the Muan Airport accident occurred.


Song Kyung-hoon, head of Jeju Air's management support division, said in a briefing held at the Mayfield Hotel in Gangseo-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 30th, "After the situation arose, the number of cancellations was higher than usual, but the number of new arrivals is also being maintained."


It has been reported that the passenger plane that crashed the day before was mostly a chartered Christmas package tour planned by a small travel agency, and that there have been successive cancellations of package tours.


Earlier, Jeju Air Flight 7C2216, which departed from Bangkok, Thailand and was heading to Muan Airport, crashed at 9:03 a.m. the previous day, killing all 175 passengers, two pilots, and two cabin crew members, a total of 179 people.

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