2025.02.13 (목)

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기상청 제공


Samsung SDI Unveils ‘Innovative Battery Technology’ at CES… Showcasing Advanced Square Battery, Heat Diffusion Prevention ESS, All-Solid State Technology


[News Space = Reporter Jo Il-seop] Samsung SDI received favorable reviews from the global industry by showcasing innovative battery products and technologies at 'CES 2025', the world's largest electronics and IT exhibition held in Las Vegas, USA from the 7th to the 9th (local time).


The customer invitation exhibition held at the Wynn Hotel in downtown Las Vegas showcased the latest products, including cylindrical batteries, square batteries for electric vehicles, and the SBB 1.5 product, a power ESS solution.


In particular, the exhibition hall showcased representative battery-related products that received the 'CES Innovation Award' ahead of this event, along with all-solid-state battery technology that has recently been receiving great attention in the industry.


Among these, the high-density, long-life square battery for electric vehicles (PRiMX680-EV) that simultaneously secures safety and performance by applying innovative design and process technology, and the electric vehicle battery module (PRiMX680 Module+) that improves production efficiency and quality by simplifying the structure through wireless communication technology, caught the attention of invited industry officials.


Also on display were the container-type energy storage system (ESS) 'SBB 1.5', which can be used immediately after connecting to the power grid and has significantly improved safety, and the cylindrical battery (PRiMX50U-Power) that features high-output and high-speed charging technology.


The company also unveiled its next-generation all-solid-state battery, which has achieved the industry’s highest energy density with its own non-cathode technology. Samsung SDI has been supplying samples to customers since late 2023 and is on track to commercialize the product in 2027.


Samsung SDI received favorable reviews for operating professional docents at the exhibition hall and introducing key products by business division to customers visiting the booth and market research agency officials, thereby increasing their understanding.


In particular, Samsung SDI set the theme of this year's 'CES 2025' exhibition as 'Powering a Sustainable Future with Super Gap Technologies' and focused on showcasing its innovative technologies.


The battery industry is going through a difficult time due to various negative factors such as the electric vehicle chasm and uncertainty caused by the inauguration of the Trump administration in the United States, but it contains the will to prepare for the future through preemptive technological innovation.


Despite the recent sluggish performance of the industry due to sluggish demand caused by high interest rates and uncertainties in policies related to electric vehicles and batteries, the company plans to prepare for the upcoming 'super cycle' by steadily investing in the development of differentiated technologies and innovation.


A Samsung SDI official said, "We have demonstrated to customers our efforts and will to realize a sustainable future based on our ultra-gap technology," and "We were able to receive good responses from customers who directly experienced the best battery technology and quality."
