2024.06.28 (금)

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기상청 제공


SK Group Sues Roh Soh-yeong, Director of Art Center Nabi, to Vacate Art Center

SK Group Chairman Choi, Tae-won and Nabi Director Roh Soh-yeong [Youtube]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] It has been confirmed that SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won, who is currently in the midst of a divorce lawsuit with Noh So-young, the director of Art Center Nabee, filed a lawsuit demanding that she hand over the real estate of Art Center Nabi, which is located in the SK building.


According to legal sources on May 23, SK Innovation filed a lawsuit against Art Center Nabi in the Seoul Central District Court on May 14, demanding that it vacate the property.


The property that SK Innovation is demanding the art museum vacate is the 4th floor of the Seorin Building, the SK Group headquarters in Jongno-gu, Seoul, where Art Center Nabi is located. Art Center Nabi opened in this location in December 2000.


The Seorin Building is managed by SK Innovation, the flagship company of SK Group. The contract with Art Center Nabi is believed to have ended around 2018-2019.


This brings the number of lawsuits involving Chairman Choi and Ms. Roh to at least four.


Chairman Choi and Ms. Roh are currently facing each other in an ongoing divorce lawsuit. Chairman Choi publicly acknowledged his extramarital child in 2015 and filed for divorce mediation in July 2017.


Ms. Roh, who did not respond, filed a countersuit in 2019, demanding 300 million won in compensation and 50% of Chairman Choi's shares in SK Corporation.


In December last year, the first trial court ruled that SK Corporation's shares were not subject to property division as they were special assets, and only recognized 100 million won in compensation and 665 billion won in cash.


Both sides have appealed and the second trial is ongoing.


Ms. Roh filed an application for a provisional injunction with the court to prevent Chairman Choi from selling his shares, but it was dismissed, and she immediately appealed. Ms. Roh also filed a lawsuit against Kim Hee-young, the chairwoman of the T&C Foundation and Chairman Choi's live-in partner, demanding 300 million won in damages in March this year.

