2024.07.04 (목)

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기상청 제공


Roh Soh-yeong files a 3 billion won lawsuit against Choi Tae-won, SK Chairman's cohabitant

SK Group Chairman Choi, Tae-won and Nabi Director Roh Soh-yeong [Youtube]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] The director of Nabi Art Center, Roh Soh-yeong, has filed a lawsuit claiming significant damages against Kim Hee-young. According to the legal industry on the 27th, Roh filed a damages suit against Kim, who is the director of the T&C Foundation, at the Seoul Family Court. The amount of damages demanded by Roh is KRW 3 billion. 


The reason for the lawsuit is that "Kim Hee-young caused the breakdown of Roh and Choi's marriage, resulting in severe mental anguish for Roh," Roh's side said.


Regarding the reason for calculating the damages at KRW 3 billion, they explained, "Considering that Kim and Choi committed long-term misconduct and publicly disclosed their actions without hesitation, as well as economic benefits from Choi's property scale and Kim's extramarital affair, we took these factors into account."


Chairman Choi and Director Roh were married in September 1988, during the first year of the late President Roh Tae-woo's presidency. They have three children together.


However, in 2015, Chairman Choi admitted to having a relationship with Kim and having an illegitimate child. In July 2017, he filed for divorce from Roh.


Roh, who opposed the divorce, changed her stance in 2019 and filed a counter-lawsuit demanding KRW 300 million in compensation and 50% of SK Corporation shares owned by Chairman Choi as part of property division.


However, in December last year, the first trial acknowledged only KRW 100 million in damages and KRW 66.5 billion in cash. Both sides have appealed and are awaiting a trial in the Seoul High Court.

