Samsung's 30-year journey with Guide Dogs: Lee Kun-hee's foresight and Lee Jae-yong's perseverance

  • 등록 2023.09.25 18:57:10

Samsung's Guide Dog Program Turns 30

On September 19, 2023, guide dogs, visually impaired partners, and officials took a commemorative photo at the Samsung Guide Dog School in Yongin, South Korea. (From left to right in the back row) Kim Ye-ji, a member of the National Assembly of South Korea, Lee Jae-yong, the chairman of Samsung Electronics, Hong Ra-hee, former director of the Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, William Thornton, the president of the International Guide Dog Federation, Hong Won-hyuk, the CEO of Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, and Park Tae-jin, the principal of the Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Guide Dog School.[Samsung Group]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim]  Samsung's Guide Dog School, the world's first and only corporate-run guide dog school, celebrated its 30th anniversary on September 19, 2023.


The school was founded by the late Lee Kun-hee, Samsung's former chairman, in 1993. Lee was a visionary leader who believed that the company had a responsibility to give back to society. He also believed that guide dogs could help improve the lives of people with disabilities and raise awareness about the importance of inclusion.


In the early days, the school faced skepticism and criticism. However, Lee's commitment to the program never wavered. Today, the school has placed over 280 guide dogs with people with vision loss.


At the anniversary ceremony, Samsung was presented with a plaque of appreciation from the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF). The school also announced that it had expanded its kennels to accommodate more dogs.


"The success of the Samsung Guide Dog Program is a testament to the vision and commitment of Lee Kun-hee," said William Thornton, chairman of the IGDF. "The school has made a significant contribution to the lives of people with vision loss, and it is a model for other corporations around the world."


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