Lee Jae-yong: 'Semiconductor Legend, Connecting to Bio'... Held Consecutive Meetings with Global Biotech Companies in the US.

  • 등록 2023.05.09 15:20:16

Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong visited the U.S. flagship pioneering headquarters in November 2021 and met with Moderna co-founder and board chairman Nuba Apeyan. [Samsung Electronics]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] Lee Jae-yong, the chairman of Samsung Electronics, laid the groundwork for the realization of the "Second Semiconductor Myth" by holding a series of meetings with global CEOs leading the world's biotech market in the United States.


According to Samsung Electronics on the 8th, Chairman Lee has met with CEOs such as global pharmaceutical companies and bio-venture incubation companies in the eastern United States, the world's largest biocluster. 


Chairman Lee met with ▲ Joaquin Duato CEO ▲ Giovanni Caporio BMS CEO ▲ Nuba Apeyan Flagship Finance CEO ▲ Christopher Viebacher, CEO of Biogen ▲ Kevin Ali Organon to discuss ways to strengthen the competitiveness of the bio business and find new businesses.


Chairman Lee's series of meetings with CEOs of global pharmaceutical companies is aimed at fostering the bio business as a "second semiconductor" by further strengthening global cooperation throughout the bio industry. Chairman Lee also met with employees of Samsung BioLogics' North American sales subsidiary after a meeting with a global pharmaceutical company to check and encourage the current status of the global supply chain.


Chairman Lee said, "The starting point is not important, Bold and persistent challenges determine victory or defeat," and stressed, "Let's lead the semiconductor success DNA to bio-mythology." Samsung continues to make aggressive investments in its bio business to foster bio as a "future food."


J&J is a global biopharmaceutical company with a 140-year history and is a major customer of Samsung. BMS is a company that entrusted Samsung with the first order for drug production in 2013. It is a company that laid the foundation for Samsung's bio business to grow.


Nuba Apeyan, CEO of Flagship, is a co-founder of Moderna. It has contributed to overcoming the COVID-19 crisis in Korea through a production contract for mRNA vaccines with Samsung, and the two companies are working together to discover and foster promising bio ventures.


Biogen is a company that established Samsung Bioepis in cooperation with Samsung Biologics and sold all of its shares in Bioepis to Samsung last year. Since then, it has maintained close partnerships, including the distribution and sale of Samsung's autoimmune disease treatments in Europe.


Samsung entered the bio business more than 10 years ago and established Samsung Biologics (2011) and Samsung Bioepis (2012). Samsung has become the world's No. 1 consignment development production (CDMO) company by preoccupying the future growth industry through rapid decision-making, bold investment, and technology in cooperation with major partners.


The bio industry is considered a field with high entry barriers as it is essential to build trust and reputation for long-term collaboration as well as production technology capabilities. The industry expects Chairman Lee's wide global network to serve as leverage to expand cooperation with global pharmaceutical companies and create future growth engines.



김정영 기자 jeongyoungkim.71@gmail.com
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