Samsung Biologics' 2 Trillion Won Order Jackpot... Lee Jae-Yong's 'Big Investment' paid off

  • 등록 2023.07.12 19:41:22

CMO Agreement with Global Big Pharma
Lee is committed to Samsung's future 'Bio'
John Lim leadership also contributes to the growth of the super gap
Orders will continue in the second half of the year


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] Samsung Biologics broke the record by surpassing 2 trillion won in orders for the first time in half a year. 


Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-Yong's willingness to foster bio as a "second semiconductor" and active investment are paying off. In addition, Samsung Biologics' production capabilities, CEO John Lim's sales strategy, order competitiveness, and quality management, leading to "super-gap" results.


■ Chairman Lee Jae-Yong's bio-interest, driving force behind SB’s performance


According to Samsung Biologics on the 10th, Chairman Lee has selected the bio industry as a future growth engine and continues to make active investments.


In May last year, Samsung announced that it would set up an investment plan worth 450 trillion won and make aggressive investments in the bio sector in preparation for Samsung's future for dynamic innovation growth. Samsung plans to establish a business structure centered on biopharmaceutical CDMO and biosimilar.


Chairman Lee recently held a series of meetings with global bio industry leaders through his broad global network, further strengthening global collaboration across the bio industry.


Chairman Lee's interest in the bio industry is also high. In May, Chairman Lee met with representatives of global Big Pharma and bio ventures in the eastern United States, the world's largest bio cluster, to discuss strengthening competitiveness in the bio business and discovering new businesses.


Chairman Lee personally attended the completion ceremony of Samsung Biologics Plant 4 in Songdo, Incheon, in October last year to inspect production sites and encourage executives and employees. The fourth plant has an annual production capacity of 240,000 liters, boasting the world size as a single plant. With the completion of the fourth plant, Samsung Biologics secured an annual production capacity of 604,000 liters, solidifying its overwhelming global No. 1 position.


Samsung's willingness to foster bio is also revealed in its "big" investment. In July last year, Samsung Biologics completed the purchase of about 360,000㎡ of land to create the second bio campus in Songdo, Incheon, and Samsung announced its strategy to invest 7.5 trillion won in the second campus by 2032.


■ Maximize order competitiveness with production capacity and quality


This is due to Samsung Biologics' competitiveness in winning orders.


On the same day, Samsung Biologics announced that it has won a contract for CMO worth 510 billion won from Novartis, a global big farm. This order is the main contract of the Investment Letter of Intention (LOI) signed in June last year, and the size of the contract is $390 million (511.1 billion won).


Samsung Biologics signed a record 1.2 trillion won CMO contract with Pfizer on the 4th, and again signed a 510 billion won CMO contract less than a week later. The amount of orders announced this month with the two companies Pfizer and Novartis is more than 1.7 trillion won, which is similar to last year's total order of 1.7835 trillion won.


From this year to this day, Samsung Biologics' total order amount was 2.3387 trillion won based on disclosure, surpassing 2 trillion won in about half a year. It exceeded 1.9 trillion won in 2020, which was the largest order ever, by more than 400 billion won in half a year. Samsung Biologics' relentless order performance is expected to continue in the second half of the year.


Samsung Biologics has secured 13 of the world's top 20 pharmaceutical bio companies as its customers, emerging as a business partner for the strict global big Pharma. Excellent quality management capabilities have been added to ample production capacity, which has increased reliability and is increasing the attractiveness of orders. Quality competitiveness suitable for production capacity is also an attractive point for global big farmers. Samsung Biologics' deployment success rate reaches 98%. Batch is a unit that produces a single dose of a drug and is generally evaluated at an excellent level even if it exceeds 90%.


Due to a series of successful large-scale orders, some in the industry say that CEO John Lim's global network and customer satisfaction maximization management method have worked in the market. They say that sales strategies that meet market demand and customer needs have led to performance.


An official from the bio industry said, "It was expected that Samsung Biologics' vice president of sales would have difficulties in overall sales, such as moving to representatives of other companies, but as CEO John Lim led the sales and strengthened partnerships with customers, bigger results are coming out."


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