"Miracle of Lee Jae-Yong: Plea to Impersonator Account Turns into Reality"

  • 등록 2023.06.11 20:42:33

Lee Jae-yong, the Chairman of Samsung Electronics[Samsung Electronics]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] A mother's story has emerged, in which she reached out for help on a social networking service (SNS) account impersonating Lee Jae-yong, the Chairman of Samsung Electronics, saying, "My daughter is suffering from a rare disease.". She later received a contact from Samsung Seoul Hospital.


A, who has a daughter with a rare disease called "Mucoripid," said on her SNS account on the 9th, "It may not be an Instagram managed by Chairman Lee himself, but I habitually sent a direct message (DM) for Samsung Medical Center to make my child's treatment, and a miracle happened today."


She mentioned, "I was hesitant about answering a call from the area code 02, but it turned out to be Professor Cho Sung-yoon from Samsung Seoul Hospital. He informed me that the hospital has decided to develop a treatment for Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II (MPS II), also known as Hunter syndrome. I never imagined receiving such a phone call, as there are not many research centers worldwide focusing on developing a treatment for this condition."


MPS II is a rare genetic disorder that manifests within the first 8 months after birth. It is characterized by skeletal abnormalities, joint stiffness, cognitive impairment, visual impairment, among other symptoms. Currently, there is no specific cure for the condition.


According to Professor Cho, the development process will take a considerable amount of time, and there is a possibility that the daughter may not be able to receive the treatment. He explained that cells and tissues need to be collected from the buttocks and thighs of the child.


A expressed her determination, stating, "I will do everything as instructed. I never dreamed that a day like this would come. I feel a mix of sadness and guilt, thinking about another child who has already died. If the process can proceed quickly, I will have no more wishes."


Regarding the impersonating account operator who conveyed A's story to Samsung Seoul Hospital, she believes it to be true, although the exact details couldn't be verified.


In addition, when a speculative post was posted online that Chairman Lee personally gave such instructions to Samsung Medical Center, A said in an additional article, "Professor Cho Sung-yoon made the decision because he was  always  concerned about Muco-lipidemia type 2," adding, "It was not a decision made by Chairman Lee."


As of the 11th, the impersonating account of the chairman has amassed 383,000 followers. The account shares posts related to the chairman and Samsung Electronics. However, it has been confirmed that the chairman does not have any personally operated SNS accounts.


김정영 기자 jeongyoungkim.71@gmail.com
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