2024.06.25 (화)

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기상청 제공


"Prevent Information Leaks": Samsung Electronics Prohibits the Use of ChatGPT

"Recent Internal Source Code Leak Incident Sparks Security Concerns: 65% of Employees Express Worry about ChatGPT"


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] As the scope of utilization of generative artificial intelligence (AI) expands, Samsung Electronics has decided to prohibit the use of ChatGPT by employees to prevent information leaks.


According to Samsung Electronics on May 2nd, the DX division, which handles mobile and home appliances, recently announced a restriction on the use of generative AI such as ChatGPT through the company network or company-owned devices.


This action is taken due to concerns that the data entered into ChatGPT and similar platforms is sent to external servers, making management difficult and posing a risk of exposure.


As more and more cases of using ChatGPT for various tasks arise, companies are increasingly concerned about incidents of internal information leakage.


In fact, Samsung Electronics itself experienced an information leak incident shortly after allowing the use of ChatGPT in its DS (semiconductor) division in March. An engineer at Samsung Electronics reportedly uploaded internal source code to ChatGPT by mistake, which resulted in the code being leaked externally.


Last month, Samsung Electronics also conducted a survey of DX division employees regarding the use of ChatGPT. The survey revealed that 65% of employees expressed security concerns about ChatGPT.


Through internal guidelines, Samsung Electronics stated that "there is growing interest in generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT both inside and outside the company," and that "the company is currently working on ways to use generative AI safely to enhance employee productivity and efficiency."


A Samsung Electronics official explained that "while ChatGPT can be helpful in some aspects of work, there are concerns about the misuse of the platform resulting in internal information leaks, etc.," and that "until internal security policies are established, the use of ChatGPT will be prohibited."

