Choi Tae-Won Calls on Scholarship Recipients to Embrace the 'Pay-It-Forward' Spirit and Give Back to Society

  • 등록 2023.07.12 21:35:26

"Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies Awards Scholarships to 30 International Students
Founded by the late Chairman Choi Jong-hyun... Second Generation of Support Over 48 Years
"Returning What We Received from the International Community through Expo" Mentioned"

Chairman Choi Tae-Won, who serves as the Chairman of SK Group and the Director of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, delivers words of encouragement during the scholarship certificate award ceremony for overseas study held at SK Serene Building in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 10th. [ SK ]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim]  Chairman Choi Tae-Won of SK Group presented scholarship certificates to students leaving for overseas studies with the support of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies at SK Serene Building in Jongno-gu, Seoul.


During the ceremony, he urged the students with the following words: "As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of Korea's reconstruction after the Korean War ceasefire and the 70th anniversary of SK Group's founding this year, I want to emphasize that our duty is not just to be satisfied with being an OECD country but to become a leading nation in the world. The Republic of Korea, as the only country that received OECD aid and became an OECD member nation, should strive to become a global leader."


Chairman Choi explained that the remarkable growth achieved since the ceasefire was made possible by talented individuals. He mentioned that the establishment of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies was also driven by the goal of nurturing talent.


Referring to the Chinese four-character idiom, he stressed the importance of not forgetting what we receive from others and contemplating ways to give back to society, highlighting that true leadership comes from such actions.


Chairman Choi also connected the dedication to attracting the 2030 Busan Expo with the concept of "Pay-It-Forward." He stated, "The purpose of attracting the Busan Expo is to return what we received from the international community during our impoverished days. We aim to transform the Busan Expo into a 'solution platform' that addresses issues embraced by each country and society, contributing to the world."


Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of health management, drawing on his recent experience of sustaining an injury. He encouraged the scholarship recipients, saying, "Just as you design study programs, I hope you also design and implement health programs for yourselves.“


On that day, the event was attended by 30 scholarship recipients and foundation officials, including Choi Byung-il, Secretary-General of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies. Chairman Choi consistently attends the scholarship certificate award ceremony each year, engaging in conversations with students and hosting a luncheon where he exchanges greetings and compliments with them.


The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies was established in 1974 based on the belief of the late Chairman Choi Jong-hyun, Chairman Choi Tae-won's great-uncle, who said, "Plant trees for ten years and nurture talents for a hundred years." In the spirit of cultivating individuals responsible for Korea's future, the foundation did not include the company name in its title.


The foundation has supported outstanding Korean students to complete doctoral programs at top-level educational institutions overseas. It provides not only tuition fees but also living expenses for a period of five years, without any obligatory requirements.


Over the past 48 years since its establishment, the foundation has supported over 4,000 scholarship recipients through programs such as overseas study scholarships and special university scholarships, producing over 860 Ph.D. graduates from prestigious universities worldwide.


Following in the footsteps of his great-uncle, Chairman Choi Tae-won, who assumed the position of the second chairman of the foundation in 1998, expanded the scope of foundation activities beyond traditional scholarship programs. These activities include academic exchanges with global institutions and knowledge-sharing programs targeting youth.


The foundation organizes the "Korea-Sweden Future Challenge" program in collaboration with renowned universities in Sweden, aiming to explore a sustainable future together with the next generation of young people. Scholars from the foundation visit middle and high schools nationwide, sharing their knowledge through the "Dream Lecture" program, actively supporting the cultivation of future talents.


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