Choi Min-jeong, SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won's daughter, founds 'medical startup' in the US... Impact on SK Group's succession plan?

After a two-year hiatus from SK Hynix, Choi Min-jeong stands alone with 'Integral Health'
Potential collaboration with SK Group's bio subsidiaries
Eldest daughter Choi Yoon-jung, Vice President at SK Biopharmaceuticals, becomes 'youngest executive in the group'... Eldest son Choi In-geun, involved in energy business at SK E&S North America subsidiary

2024.03.28 16:54:59
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서울특별시 영등포구 국회대로36길 6-1 , 2층 | 대표전화 : 010-2930-6641 | 팩스 : 02-3445-8227 제호 : 뉴스스페이스(NewsSpace) | 등록번호 : 서울 아 54727 | 등록일 : 2023-03-07 | 발행일 : 2023-03-07 | 발행·편집인 : 이현주 | 청소년보호책임자 : 김정영 Copyright © 2024 뉴스스페이스(NewsSpace). All rights reserved.