Chung Ju-yung's Dream "Pony Coupe" Revived Half a Century Later by his Grandson Chung Eui-sun

  • 등록 2023.05.22 10:33:16

Hyundai Motor Group Restores 1974 Pony Coupe Concept With Giorgetto Giugiaro, Unveils It in Italy

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Euisun Chung (left) and Giorgetto Giugiaro, a legendary Italian designer, pose for a photo in front of the restored Pony Coupe concept car. [Hyundai Motor Group]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] Hyundai Restores Historic Pony Coupe Concept Car. 


Hyundai Motor Group unveiled a restored Pony Coupe concept car on May 18, 2023, at the Hyundai Reunion event in Lake Como, Italy. The event was attended by Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Eui-sun Chung and other past and present key executives. The Hyundai Reunion is a heritage brand platform that showcases Hyundai Motor's past and its unchanging vision and direction for the future.


Chairman Chung said, "Our late founder, Chung Ju-yung, had a vision to create a truly Korean car in the 1970s, despite the poor industrial environment. He believed that a country that can perfectly produce cars can produce anything, even airplanes. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who played a decisive role in the success of the Pony, including Italy and Korea."


Hyundai Motor Group restored the Pony Coupe Concept car, which was first shown at the 1974 Turin Motor Show in Italy. The project was planned to revisit the export-for-the-nation spirit of the late founder Chung Ju-yung, who wanted to cultivate the automobile industry as a core export industry of the country and wished for a better life for the people, and the passion of the then employees who wanted to become a global brand with the Pony Coupe.


The Pony Coupe Concept is a model that can never be forgotten in Hyundai Motor Group's history. The Pony Coupe Concept, which was unveiled at the Turin Motor Show together with Hyundai Motor Group's first independently produced model, the Pony, attracted attention from all over the world with its wedge-shaped nose, round headlights, and geometric lines reminiscent of origami.


The restoration of the Pony Coupe Concept was carried out in collaboration with Italian legendary designer Giorgetto Giugiaro and his son Fabrizio Giugiaro. Giorgetto Giugiaro, the founder and CEO of Italian design company GFG Style, is well known for designing a number of Hyundai Motor Group's early models, including the Pony and Pony Coupe, as well as the Pony Excel, Presto, Stella, and Sonata 1 and 2 generations.


Hyundai Motor Group CEO Jaehoon Jang said, "In the era of electrification, it is important for Hyundai Motor Group to become a leader in the future of mobility to examine the unchanging brand values from the past. We will continue to communicate the value that can only be provided by a historic brand when Hyundai Motor Group's diverse past heritage is fused with the future of innovation through various heritage communication activities, including the Hyundai Reunion."


The Pony Coupe Concept is a symbol of Hyundai Motor Group's innovative spirit in challenging the sports car field to enter advanced countries. It is a great asset in pioneering the field of high-performance hydrogen electric vehicles and continuing its leading role in the electric vehicle market. In addition, the Pony and Pony Coupe are Hyundai Motor Group's first independent models, and they are physical assets that contain Hyundai Motor Group's unique brand identity that distinguishes them from other companies. They continue to provide creative inspiration in various ways.


In particular, the high-performance hydrogen hybrid rolling lab (Rolling Lab) 'N Vision 74', which was first unveiled in July 2022 and received favorable reviews from global media and customers, was designed with inspiration from the Pony Coupe Concept.


Hyundai Motor Group displayed the restored Pony Coupe Concept and the N Vision 74, which inherits the spirit of the Pony Coupe Concept, side by side on the spot, and showcased Hyundai Motor Group's technology, design innovation, and challenge spirit that have been passed down from the past to the present.


Hyundai Motor Group plans to showcase the N Vision 74, which is based on the past heritage and presents its future direction, for the first time at the world-renowned classic car and concept car exhibition 'Concorso d'Eleganza Villa D'Este', which will be held in Lake Como, Italy from May 19 to 21.


The Concorso d'Eleganza Villa D'Este is a world-renowned classic car and concept car exhibition that has been held every year in Italy since 1929. It is a small luxury motor show where you can see the elegance of the past and future of cars in one place.


Meanwhile, Hyundai Motor Group plans to expand the operation of the Hyundai Reunion, which was first held this year, as a brand platform that can introduce Hyundai Motor Group's heritage in line with global heritage projects and major events.


Hyundai Motor Group plans to communicate its vision and direction based on its solid brand-specific heritage in the midst of the major changes in the mobility industry, such as electrification and autonomous driving.


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