Hyundai Jung Eui-sun, the First Guest on Korean ‘Lunch with Warren Buffett’

  • 등록 2023.05.02 09:42:01

The Federation of Korean Industries hosts "GodSaeng One Meal" with 30 MZ Generation.
The cost of the lunch will be a talent donation.
Socar CEO Park Jae-wook and celebrity Noh Hong-chul are also invited

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Eui-sun [Hyundai Motor Group]


[NewsSpace=JeongYoung Kim] Jeong Eui-sun, the chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, is the first guest on the Korean version of "Lunch with Warren Buffett," where he will personally meet and chat with 30 members of the MZ generation (Millennials and Generation Z).


As part of one of its mid- to long-term development plans to strengthen connections with the MZ generation (born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s), the Federation of Korean Industries planned the "Korean version of Lunch with Warren Buffett" and named it "Godsaeng Hanikki." "Godsaeng" is a popular term among the MZ generation, which means pursuing a productive and systematic daily routine to achieve their goals.


The first guests to participate in this event, hosted by the Korea Economic Association, are Jeong Eui-sun, the chairman of Hyundai Motor Group, Park Jae-wook, the CEO of Socar, and Noh Hong-chul, the CEO of Noh Hong-chul Genius Inc.


This event is part of a project that the Federation of Korean Industries has created to strengthen communication with the public. The MZ generation has the opportunity to meet "role models" that are usually difficult to meet, and businesses have the opportunity to communicate with young people outside of their employees.


The reason why the chairman was invited to speak at this event, according to the Federation of Korean Industries, is that he is a leader of the business world, leading Hyundai-Kia Motors, Korea's leading company, and an innovative icon who pursues Godsaeng. Park Jae-wook is known as a first-generation mobile start-up entrepreneur who has constantly challenged himself to be a mobility platform leader. Noh Hong-chul is evaluated as a famous broadcaster and creative entrepreneur.


The Korea Economic Association decided not to set the meal price through an auction as in the United States. Instead, they will accept talent donation plans from those who wish to participate. Those born between 1989 and 2005 who wish to attend can submit a talent donation plan that can be achieved within three months on the Federation of Korean Industries' website until May 14. The Korea Economic Association plans to select participants based on the creativity, feasibility, and impact of their talent donations. This is in line with the purpose of spreading small but positive influences in society.


Chairman Jeong is known as a CEO who actively communicates with younger generations. He invited Dr. Oh Eun-young, a psychiatrist, to hold a "Mind Counseling Talk Concert" for his employees and even asked for ways to resolve intergenerational conflicts.


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